board of directors 董事会
board of supervisors 监事会
bona fide 出于 善意
bonded warehouse 保税 仓库
bonded goods 保税货
borrow money 借钱
borrow money from (of) 由.....借钱
bottom price 最低价
oycott foreign goods 抵制 外货
branch office 分公司
breach a contract 违约,背约
break an agreement 违约,背约
break bulk 下货,卸货
break even 不赚 不赔
break even point 损益 两平
breat rate 破约 汇率
breakage 破损
brisk (active;lively) 生意 兴隆
broker 经纪人
brought down 移入 下页
brought forward 承 上页
bulk cargo 散货
bulk sale 大宗卖
bull market 上涨 行情
business card 商业 名片
business circles 商业圈
business correspondence 商业 通信
business English 商业 英语
business expenses 营业 开销
business hours 营业 时间
business letters (commercial letters) 商业 信函
business-like 商业化 的
business school 商业 学校
business year 商业 年度
buy at a bargain 买得 便宜
buyer's market 买方 市场
buying agent 买方 代理人
buying and selling on buying contract 买货 契约
buying expenses 购买 费用
buying price 买价
buying power 购买力
buying rate 买入 汇率
by mutual consent 双方 同意
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