duty free 免税
duty free goods 免税商品
duty paid 关税已付
duty paid terms 通过海关后交货条件
duty unpaid 关税未付
earning power 回收获利率
economic growth 经济成长
economic policy 经济政策
economic take-off 经济起飞
eight-hour system of labour 八小时工作制
elastic demand 弹性需求
electric appliances shop 电器行
electric power cost 电力成本
electronic computer 电脑,计算机
electronic transfer 电汇
embargo on the export of gold 禁止黄金出口
empty forms 空白表
endorsed in blank 空白背书
endorsement in blank 无记名签批
endorsement to order 指派式背书
enter into an agreement 订约
enter into(make) an entrance fee 会费,入场费
equlibrium;balancing 平衡
equilibrium price 平衡价格
establish a business 创业
estimated cost 预算费用
estimated market value 估计市价
estimated revenue 岁入预算
estimated statement 估计表
European Common Market 欧洲共同市场
exact interest 抽息
exact quantity 确数
examine goods 验货
ex bond 关仓交货价
exchange bank 汇兑银行
exchange clause 汇兑条款
exchange control 汇兑管制
exchange fluctuations 汇兑变动
exchange fund 汇兑资金
exchange of commodity 货品交易
exchange rate 汇率
ex dock 码头交货价
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