

free on board (F.O.B) 船上交货价

free on board shipping point 起运点交货

free on board destination 目的地交货

free on rail 火车上交货价

free on truck 卡车上交货价

free overside 输入港船上交货价格

freight broker 货运经纪人

freight charges 运费

freight forward 运费待收,运费有提货人支付

freight paid 运费付讫

freight payable on delivery 货到付运费

freight prepaid 运费先付

freight to be collected 运费待收

freight to collect 运到收费

freight ton 装载吨

freight train 运货列车

frozen foods 冷冻食品

fulfil the terms 履行条款

full service 完全服务

full state trading 完全国营贸易

functional expense 业务费用

future market 未来市场

gain profit 得利益,利润

general affairs 总务

general agents 总代理

General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs 贸易及关税总协定

general average 共同海损

general cargo 普通货

general cargo rate 一般货物运费率

general letter of hypothecation 一般押汇质押书

general offer 一般发价

general terms and conditions 一般交易条件

gift coupons 赠券

gift shop 礼品店

good merchantable quality 标准品,上等可销货物

goods in bond 保税货物

goods in process 在制品

goods in stock 存货

goods in transit 在运品

goods on consignment 寄销商品

grace period 宽限,优惠时间

grand prize 特奖

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