

What does the professor imply when she says this: "You're having trouble finding sources on bird migration... "





Migration Birds Know No Boundaries (鸟类迁徙无边界)

¨ The migration of birds is one of the most fascinating and least understood events in nature. ¨ Arctic terns are the champions of long-distance migration. They fly about 11,000 miles (17,700 kilometers) from their breeding grounds in the Arctic to their winter home in the Antarctic. Why birds migrate (为什么鸟类迁徙)

¨ In many parts of the world, the foods that birds eat become scarce during certain seasons of the year. Most birds would starve if they had to remain in such places through the unfavorable season.

¨ Although birds migrate to survive, the factors that actually trigger their migrations are much more difficult to explain. For example, many northern species leave their summer home while the weather is still warm and the food supply plentiful.

¨ Bird migrations are probably regulated by the glandular system. The glands produce chemical substances called hormones.

¨ Changes in hormone production stimulate the birds to migrate. Among some northern species, hormone production is affected by the length of daylight. As the daylight hours shorten, hormonal changes cause the birds to prepare for their migratory flight south.

2. 大王花 Rafflesia

教授一开始就介绍植物分类,提到分类中的species种, genus属,order目。说植物的 classification 很难,一些特性比较特殊的植物特别是这个样子。提出植物的分类不能完全依靠它 flower 的形态和特性。提到Rafflesia (大王花),开花时会散发腐臭的味道,以吸引蝇类传播花粉。

举了 Indonesia 的一种植物 M为例,它的 flower 很特别,超级大(图片显示它的直径有一个手臂这么长,颜色为绛红,也许有牛人知道它是何种植物),有难闻的味道,象什么肉,但是最后发现他们不是一个 order 的。生长在很恶劣的环境中,其它的植物都不能生长(题目一:它生长在什么样的环境当中?)这种植物有事物的来源,但是它还是会抓 insect 吃,因为它不能从土壤中得到足够的营养,所以要通过这种方式来获取所需的营养(题目二:为什么吃虫?)然后教授说了它怎么抓虫的? 经过很长时间的研究,专家发现它和

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