8Answer the question about the words and expressions
答案:a a a b a b .
9Choose the best way to complete the sentences .
答案:b c c b b .
Language in use
3Complete the sentences with an appropriate prep.+ which / whom.
答案:(1)to which (2)of which (3) with whom (4) by which (5) in which (6)to whom
6Translate the paragraphs into Chinese .
1 Josh shivered as he checked the address on the slip of paper in his hand. He’d never been to Joanne’s, but knew it by reputation, not because of its food, which had often been maligned, or its jazz orchestra, which had a guest slot for a well-known movie director who played trumpet, but because of the stellar quality of its sophisticated guests: politicians, diplomats, movie actors, hall-of-fame athletes, journalists, writers, rock stars and Nobel Prize winners – in short, anyone who was anyone in this city of power brokers.