新目标英语八年下 中考考点链接、习题(12)



16. Perhaps ___ the future I should try not to be so polite.

17. I won’t go _____ _____ that store again.

18. I don’t like it when the assistants follow me ______

19. This happens ____me all the time in the school library.

20. I got annoyed when people cut ___ line.

21. Could you help me ____ my homework?

22. I will do it ____ a minute . I will do it right _____

23. Would you mind getting ____ ____ the bathroom?

24. If she works far _____, she will miss her family.

25. I am interested ___ the writer job. I have been listening ___ music videos since I was seven years old.

26. I didn’t finish writing my test because I run ____ _____ time

27. I love globes ____ animals .

28. ___ the way, what is your hobby?

29. They are all ____ our apartment.

30. Kids study ___ home _____ computer.

31. The teacher took ____ my mobile phone because I used it in class.

32. If you are famous , people all ____ the world will know you

33. It is not right ____ you to copy others’ homework.

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