graphs that were judiciously selected to help clarify ideas andresults to the reader. Key mathematical formulas were carefullydeveloped leading to a final model, rather than just being
‘dropped in’ from some reference. Several of the weaker paperschose to present a volume of detail without an accompanyingexplanation, which is equivalent to saying to the judges: “Here,we did the work, now you figure it out.” This is never a goodidea. Using a spell checker and carefully verifying any algebraused cannot be overemphasized.
Apoint worth mentioning is the difference between ‘evaluatinga model’s results’ and ‘evaluating the strengths and weakness-es’ of a model. Both elements are critical to the modeling
process. Simply put, the strengths and weaknesses of a modelare identified by examining the model and its results in light ofthe simplifying assumptions made to create the model.Evaluating a model’s results consists of determining if theresults make sense, and interpreting what these results meanwith regard to the information sought. This latter action pro-vides the basis for modifying the model until a team is satisfiedwith the model’s performance.
By and large, the exceptional papers provided conclusive evi-dence that their teams had dedicated a substantial amount oftime thinking about the problem prior to starting their quest forsupporting information. While the Internet does provide aseemingly limitless source of information, it can also act as asiren’s call to act before thinking, thus using up valuable timepotentially pursuing dead ends.
Finally, the need for precise supporting documentation in thebody of the final paper cannot be stressed enough. Exceptionalpapers all convey a clear link to verifiably credible informationsources within the body of their paper. Lesser quality papersshow a reliance on supporting information that fails to includenecessary explanations of why certain facts are valid. Althoughthe temptation to ‘cut-and-paste’ directly from sources such asthe Internet is recognizably strong, doing so can often result in apaper that is predominantly statements of unsupported ‘facts’rather than one demonstrating that the team has a clear under-standing of the model.
HiMCM School websites
Parker School:Westminster Schools:
Illinois Math and Science Academy:www.imsa.edu
Chesterfield County Math & Science HS:
FEBRUARY 17–23, 2000
The contest offers students the opportuni-ty to compete in a team setting usingapplied mathematics in the solving ofreal-world problems.
For information on participating in theHiMCM 2000, please contact Clarice
Callahan at c.callahan@ orcall 781-862-7878 x37 to receive a contestbrochure and registration card.
Major funding provided by the National Science Foundation.
57 Bedford St., Suite 210Lexington, MA 02420
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