21. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:FeNi/NiO磁性纳米结构阵列的交换偏置效应10804036,(主持人:王雅新;执行期:2009-2011)17万
22. 教育部重点项目:预织构高取向度FePt颗粒薄膜的制备及结构和性质研究208178,(主持人:李海波;执行期:2008-2012)15万
23. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:cd和zno合金化对zno能带结构和p型掺杂的影响和机制11254001,
近三年实验中心教师发表科研论文171篇,其中SCI 检索101篇。30篇代表性论文如下:
1. 杨景海:Fabrication and photoluminescence of ZnS:Mn2+ nanowires/ZnO quantum dots/SiO2 heterostructure ,Journal of Applied Physics 108:044304(2010),(IF=2.072)
2. 杨景海:Oriented growth of ZnO nanostructures on different substrates via a hydrothermal method ,Journal of Alloys and Compounds 489: 51(2010) ,(IF=2.135)
3. 杨景海:Growth mechanism and blue shift of Mn2+ luminescence for wurtzite ZnS :Mn2+ nanowires J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43: 075403 (2010) (IF=2.083)
4. 刘惠莲:Cu-doping effect on structure and magnetic properties of Fe-doped
ZnOpowders.MaterialsChemistryandPhysics10.1016/j.matchemphys.2010.10.002 (IF=2.015)
5. 华中:Preparation, crystallization process and magnetic property of Fe(Co, Ni)ZrB alloy powders Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2010,477 : 529–531,(IF=2.135)
6. 孙亚明:、Structure and thermal behavior of multicomponent Fe68-xNiXZr15Nb5B12 (x = 5, 10, 15, 20) alloys Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2011,509: 499-502 (IF=2.135)
7. 杨景海:Tunable deep-level emission in ZnO nanoparticles via yttrium doping Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509(8) (2011) 3606-3612 (IF=2.134 )
8. 杨景海:A study of structural, optical and magnetic properties of Zn0.97 xCuxCr0.03O diluted magnetic semiconductors Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509(8) (2011) 3672-3676 (IF=2.134 )
9. 杨景海:Effects of mineralizing agent on the morphologies and photoluminescence properties of Eu3+-doped ZnO nanomaterials Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509(41) (2011) 10025-10031 SCI(IF= 2.134)
10. 刘惠莲: Cu-doping effect on structure and magnetic properties of Fe-doped ZnO powders 论文 Materials Chemistry and Physics, 125 (2011) 656–659(IF= 2.353)
11.刘洋: Intrinsic ferromagnetism properties in Cr-doped ZnO diluted magnetic semiconductors Journal of Solid State Chemistry,184 (2011) 1273-1278(IF=2.261)
12. 张永军:A novel approach to the synthesis of CoPt magnetic nanoparticles Journal Of Physics D: Applied Physics 2011.7.5(IF=2.109)
13. 张永军:Effects of annealing temperature, atomic composition, film thickness on structure and magnetic properties of CoPt composite films Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2011 (IF=2.134)
14. 王雅新:Enhanced exchange bias of isolated Co/CoO nanocaps Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2011.3.29 SCI(IF=2.134)
15. 杨景海:Effects of SiO2 content on the structure and magnetic properties of L10-FePt nanoparticles synthesized by the sol–gel method Materials Letters, 91(2013), 348-351 (IF=2.307)
16. 杨景海:Less contribution of nonradiative recombination in ZnO nails compared with rods Journal of Luminescence 134 (2013) 35–41 (IF=2.102)
17. 杨景海:Zinc oxide nanotubes decorated with silver nanoparticles as an ultrasensitive substrate for surface-enhanced Raman scattering Microchim Acta DOI 10.1007/s00604-012-0898-y (IF=3.033)
18. 杨景海 :Effect of polar and non-polar surfaces of ZnO nanostructures on photocatalytic properties Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 528 (2012) 28-33(IF=2.289)
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