

(1). 启动时,所有端口指示灯变绿.

(2). 每个端口自检完毕,对应的指示灯熄灭. (3). 如果端口自检失败, 对应指示灯呈黄色.

(4). 如果有任何自检失败情况,系统指示灯呈现黄色. (5). 如果没有自检失败, 自检过程完成.

(6). 随着自检过程的完成, 指示灯闪亮后熄灭.

System Status LED on the Switch Image

The colors of the system status (SYSTEM) LED on the switch image show that the switch is receiving power and functioning properly Redundant Power System LED on the Switch Image,The colors of the redundant power system (RPS) LED show the status of a connected Cisco RPS (model PWR600-AC-RPS).

Color System Status

Solid green Switch is operating normally.

Solid amber Switch is receiving power but might not be functioning properly. One or more power-on self-test (POST) errors occurred. The Management Console Logon Screen message identifies which nonfatal test(s) failed.

Note If a fatal error occurs, the switch is not operational, and no message is displayed.

Color RPS Status

Black (off) RPS is off or is not installed. Solid green RPS is operational.

Blinking green RPS and the switch AC power supply are both powered up.

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