目前网上各种版本的mantis安装手册虽多,但对于最新的1.2.X而言,却多有不适之处。本文作者在通过多次反复安装XAMPP+Mantis 1.2.5,总结了一点经验,分享给需要的朋友,希望能减少大家在安装上摸索的时间。本安装手册在windows操作系统下的使用XAMPP和mantis1.2.5安装通过。推想同样适用于近期的XAMPP和mantis1.2.X的版本。
* the return address for bounced mail * @global string $g_return_path_email */
$g_return_path_email = 'yourmail@'; //这里填写你的邮箱 /**
* Allow email notification.
* Set to ON to enable email notifications, OFF to disable them. Note that * disabling email notifications has no effect on emails generated as part * of the user signup process. When set to OFF, the password reset feature * is disabled. Additionally, notifications of administrators updating * accounts are not sent to users.
* @global int $g_enable_email_notification */
$g_enable_email_notification = ON;
* select the method to mail by:
* PHPMAILER_METHOD_SENDMAIL - sendmail * PHPMAILER_METHOD_SMTP - SMTP * @global int $g_phpMailer_method */
$g_phpMailer_method = PHPMAILER_METHOD_MAIL;
* This option allows you to use a remote SMTP host. Must use the phpMailer script * One or more hosts, separated by a semicolon, can be listed. * You can also specify a different port for each host by using this
* format: [hostname:port] (e.g. ":25;"). * Hosts will be tried in order. * @global string $g_smtp_host */
$g_smtp_host = ''; /**
* These options allow you to use SMTP Authentication when you use a remote * SMTP host with phpMailer. If smtp_username is not '' then the username * and password will be used when logging in to the SMTP server. * @global string $g_smtp_username */
$g_smtp_username = 'yourmail'; // 这里填写你的邮箱的用户名 /**
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