



汪训流 陆新征 叶列平

(清华大学土木工程系 北京100084)

摘 要 准确预测地震作用下钢筋混凝土(RC)柱的受力特性,对评估混凝土结构的抗震性能具有重要意义。地震作用下,混凝土结构中的RC柱除承受水平荷载外,还由于地震作用引起的倾覆力矩影响承受变轴力作用。因此,往复荷载下RC柱受力及变形特性的研究应该考虑变轴力的影响。本文首先通过恒轴力和变轴力下RC柱滞回性能的模拟,验证了本研究基于纤维模型程序开发的数值分析模型的准确性。然后,利用该数值模型和分析程序,对一RC柱进行了不同变轴力模式下滞回性能的分析研究。分析结果表明,轴力的变化对RC柱的滞回性能有很大影响。由于非耦合型变轴力变化过程的随机性,为便于变轴力下RC柱的抗震性能分析和试验研究,本文提出了等代定轴力的概念及其确定方法。

关键词 纤维模型 变轴力 混凝土柱 抗震性能 滞回分析

Analysis of Earthquake-resistant behaviors for RC Columns under Variable Axial Loads

Wang Xunliu, Lu Xinzheng,Ye Lieping

(Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084)

Abstract Precise prediction for the hysteretic behaviors of reinforced concrete (RC) column under seismic load is important to assess the safety of RC structures under earthquake. Due to the overturning moment in the earthquakes, besides being subjected to seismic lateral forces, RC columns also experience variable axial loads. Therefore the influence of variable axial forces must be taken into account when to study the hysteretic behaviors of RC columns under cyclic loads. In this paper, a numerical analysis model based on a fiber model program have been validated firstly through the rational hysteretic simulations of two RC columns under various patterns of axial loads, Then a frame column has been simulated under various patterns of variable axial loads by numerical method. The analytical results indicate that the variety of axial loads has considerable effect on the hysteretic behaviors of RC columns. Because of the randomness of axial loads and to facilitate carrying on experimental researches and analyzing earthquake-resistant behaviors for RC structures, a equivalent fixed axial load method is put forward to determine the seismic behaviors of RC column in structures under earthquake.

Keywords fiber model; variable axial load; concrete column; earthquake-resistant behavior; hysteretic analysis

1 引言

目前,对于钢筋混凝土(RC)柱滞回性能的研究一般基于恒轴力条件,即认为整个受力过程中柱承受恒定轴压力,而对变轴力下RC柱往复受力特性的研究则还不充分。文献[1] ~[7]对变轴力下RC柱的受力性能进行了相关研究,但关于往复水平加载的变轴力下RC压弯柱的试验及分析研究多基于耦合型变轴力[1][3][4][6][7],即轴力与水平荷载(或位移)同时施加且同时达到各自的最大或最小值;对于非耦合型变轴力下RC压弯柱的研究又主要基于单调水平加载[2][6][7]。文献[5]虽然对水平往复加载的非耦合型变轴力下的RC压弯柱进行了计算分析,但所用方法为集中塑性铰非线性分析模型,轴力变化模式的确定也缺乏依据。



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