Internet-based Simulation using off-the-shelf Simulation Too(8)
provides a standardized interface for distributed simulations. The recent advent of HLA has greatly increased interest in the use of distributed, interoperable simulation model components. To date, most models using HLA have been developed in conventional
Schulze, Th., G. Lantzsch, U. Klein, and S. Straßburger.
1998a. Interoperabilität zwischen Simulationsmodellen auf Basis der High Level Architecture. In Erfahrungen aus der Zukunft, Tagungsband 8. ASIM-Fachtagung Simulation und Logistik, eds. Mertins und Rabe, IPK Berlin 1998, 369-379.
STEFFEN STRASSBURGER holds a Master’s degree in Computer Science from the Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg. He is currently working towards his PhD degree at the Institute for Simulation and Graphics at the same university. His experience with inter-networking and simulation includes a one-year-stay at the University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point. His main research interests lies in distributed simulation and the High Level Architecture.
THOMAS SCHULZE is an Associate Professor at the Otto-von-Guericke-University in Magdeburg in the Department of Computer Science. His research interests include modeling methodology, public systems modeling, traffic simulation, and distributed simulation with HLA. He is an active member in the ASIM, a community for simulation in Germany.
ULRICH KLEIN is a PhD candidate at the University of Magdeburg, Germany. He holds a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Karlsruhe and has been involved in Emergency Management since 1992. He has two years of experience as Project Manager for Command, Control, and Communication Systems for Public Safety and Security in Europe. His research topics include Emergency Management, Urban Infrastructure Management and Logistics, Geographic Information Systems, and the High Level Architecture. JAMES O. HENRIKSEN is the president of Wolverine Software Corporation. He was the chief developer of the first version of GPSS/H, of Proof Animation, and of SLX. He is a frequent contributor to the literature on simulation and has presented many papers at the Winter Simulation Conference. Mr. Henriksen has served as the Business Chair and General Chair of past Winter Simulation Conferences. He has also served on the Board of Directors of the conference as the ACM/SIGSIM representative.
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