Internet-based Simulation using off-the-shelf Simulation Too(7)


provides a standardized interface for distributed simulations. The recent advent of HLA has greatly increased interest in the use of distributed, interoperable simulation model components. To date, most models using HLA have been developed in conventional


We have identified a basic set of requirements that simulation tools must meet in order to make them HLA compliant. We have suggested four general solutions for adopting existing discrete event simulation tools to HLA. The basic ideas behind these solutions can also be applied for other tools which have to be made HLA-compliant.

We introduced a model-independent HLA connection for the simulation tool SLX. This solution provides access to a basic set of HLA functionality from SLX. It comes with an easy to use interface for “doing“ HLA without having to care about the “dirty“programming work with the RTI.

Certain higher techniques of HLA remain to be implemented. Most of this work is in the area of HLA data distribution management, which had not been implemented in the DMSO-provided versions of the RTI we used. RTI support for this service group is announced for later this year and will then be incorporated in future versions of the wrapper library for SLX.

The solution for SLX could, in principle, be used for connecting other simulation tools with a standard DLL interface to the RTI. Modifications are only necessary for the data transfer back to the simulation tool, since this is dependent from the internal data structure representation in the respective tools.


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