

第31卷 第8期 岩 土 工 程 学 报 Vol.31 No.8 2009年 8月 Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Aug. 2009


杨令强,马 静,张社荣

(1.济南大学土木建筑学院,山东 济南 250022;2.济南大学控制学院,山东 济南 250022;3.天津大学建筑工程学院,天津 300072)




摘 要:经常需要在试验资料不充分的条件下进行边坡工程设计,故如何从搜集到的各方面信息中统计得到工程设计所需参数具有重要的理论和工程意义。某边坡工程以实测两断层实验数据为基础,参照类似工程的实测资料分析结果,利用岩石分类确定断层的内摩擦角,利用反演分析和考虑残差的最小二乘拟合的方法确定断层的黏聚力;抗滑桩是横向受力体系,考虑抗滑桩4种失效模式的相关性,利用反分析的方法确定出抗滑桩的抗力统计参数;根据规范推荐的传递系数法确定出边坡滑动的功能函数,利用离散化降维解法求得边坡稳定的可靠度指标。分析结果表明:利用反演方法修正参数,减少了认识的不确定性,能够提高边坡工程设计的可靠性,在统计数据不足的情况下按可靠度进行边坡工程设计是一种可行方法;同时表明锚索抗滑桩加固边坡的效果是显著的。 关键词:边坡;可靠度;抗滑桩;统计;反演

中图分类号:TU473 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000–4548(2009)08–1299–04

作者简介:杨令强(1972– ),男,博士,副教授,主要从事水工结构和岩土工程的研究。E-mail: ylq.tju@。

Reliability analysis of stability for slopes reinforced by anti-slide piles

YANG Ling-qiang1, MA Jing2, ZHANG She-rong3

(1. Civil Engineering and Architecture Dept.,University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, China; 2. Control Engineering Dept., University of Jinan,

Jinan 250022, China; 3. Civil Engineering Dept., Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China)

Abstract: Slope engineering is usually designed under the shortage of test data. So the design method, how to integrate all aspects of the collection of information using the statistical theory to obtain engineering design parameters, is of great theoretical and practical significance. Based on the experimental data of two faults of a slope project, in accordance with the large number of measured data analysis results of similar projects, the rock classification method is used to determine the internal friction angle of the fault, and the back analysis method and the least-square fitting method with consideration of the residuals are used to determine the cohesion of fault; the anti-slide piles are the lateral force system, the correlation of the four failure modes of the anti-slide piles is considered, and the back analysis method is used to determine the statistical parameters of resistance of the anti-slide piles; and according to the (norm) recommended coefficient transmission method, the function of random variables of slope sliding is determined, and the discretization dimension reduction method is utilized to obtain the reliability index of slope stability. The results show that using the back analysis method to modify the parameter can decrease the uncertainty and improve the reliability of engineering design, thus providing a feasible design method using reliability in small sample data. The effect of anchor anti-slide pile reinforcement slope is remarkable. Key words: slope; reliability; anti-slide pile; statistic; back analysis

0 引 言

边坡稳定性分析是岩土工程中一个十分重要的问题,由于岩土参数的随机性,边坡稳定的可靠度分析日益受到重视[1]。同时由于工程条件和经费的限制,规范要求只对一级边坡进行测试[2],因此岩土工程的样本数量不足又成为限制可靠度理论应用的关键因 素[3]。为此本文在某水库边坡断层实测资料的基础上,利用类似工程的统计数据和统计理论反演确定出断层统计参数,同时利用反分析确定出抗滑桩的抗力统计


1 工程简介

某抽水蓄能电站以原水库为下池,上池采用开挖和筑坝方式兴建。池顶高程568 m,池顶宽度10 m,正常蓄水位566 m,死水位531 m,工作水深35 m,


基金项目:山东省中青年科学家基金资助项目(2008BS9025) 收稿日期:2008–05–26

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