Lesson 3 Rope《绳》by Katherine Anne Porter(18)
黄源深English Book7 第3课 Lesson Three Rope的部分译文
left by himself a minute, some woman was certain to kidnap him. And naturally he couldn't hurt her feelings by refusing!
Well, what was she raving about? Did she forget she had told him those two weeks alone in the country were the happiest she had known for four years? And how long had they been married when she said that? All right, shut up! If she thought that hadn't stuck in his craw.
She hadn't meant she was happy because she was away from him. She meant she was happy getting the devilish house nice and ready for him. That was what she had meant, and now look! Bringing up something she had said a year ago simply to justify himself for forgetting her coffee and breaking the eggs and buying a wretched piece of rope they couldn't