


side 队


skiing 滑雪,ski 滑雪板,滑雪橇,downhill race 速降滑雪赛,滑降,slalom 障碍滑雪,ski jumping competition 跳高滑雪比赛,ski jump 跳高滑雪,ice skating 滑冰,figure skating 花样滑冰,roller skating 滑旱冰,bobsleigh, bobsled 雪橇


swimming pool 游泳池,changing room 更衣室,shower 淋浴,diving platform 跳台,diving pool 跳水池,non-swimmer's pool 浅水池,swimmer's pool 深水池,swimming lane 泳道,lifesaver, lifeguard 救生员,breaststroke 蛙泳,crawl stroke 爬泳,back stroke 仰泳,side stroke 侧泳,butterfly stroke 蝶泳,surfing 冲浪,surfboard 冲浪板,water ski 滑水橇


cyclist 骑自行车者,bicycle, cycle, bike 自行车,cycle track 自行车赛车道,cycling 自行车赛,to ride a bicycle 骑自行车,hand signals 手势, tandem 双轮双座自行车,racing cycle 公路赛车,cycling stadium 自行车赛车场

health n. 健康

be in good health 健康良好

be in poor health 健康不佳

You are in great shape.你身体素质真好。

Baseball is my favorite sport. What’s your favorite?

My nephew is a baseball player. He is a catcher.

When you played football, what position did you play?

We played a game last night. The score was tired six-to-six.

I went to a boxing match last night. It was a good fight.

When I was on the track team, I used to run the quarter mile.

I like fishing and hunting, but I don't like swimming.

My favorite winter sport is skiing. I belong to a ski club.

Would you be interested in going to the horse races this afternoon?

The hardest thing to learn is to be a good loser.

Be a good sport. Play according to the rules of the game.

Our family went camping last summer. We had to buy a new tent.

This afternoon we went to the gym for a workout. We lifted weights.

My muscles are sore from playing baseball.

Jogging early in the morning has improved her health.

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