lonely- perhaps the bitterest form of loneliness.
5. Solitude is a positive state of engagement with oneself. Solitude is desirable, a state of being alone where you provide yourself wonderful and sufficient company.
6. Thoreau says that loneliness can occur even amid companions if one’s heart is not open to them.
Unit 6
1. 假设你发现了你自己的同事受贿,你会不会无动于衷呢?
Suppose you found out that your colleague takes bribes, would you just ignore it?
2. 他如此固执,我们已对他失望了。跟他争论一点意义都没有。
We've given up on him because he is so stubborn. It is pointless to argue with him.
3. 他突然想到了一个加速实验进程的好办法,但组里的成员却对此意见不一。
He hit upon a good method to speed up the progress of the experiment, but opinions differed among members of the group on it.
4. 今天我能够使自己的职业与兴趣相符,之前我是做不到的。
Today I'm able to square my profession with my interest, which I wasn't able to do before.
5. 要成为一名驾驶员,视觉上分辨红色与绿色的能力是必不可少的。
The ability to visually distinguish between red and green is essential to becoming a driver.
6. 这个组由七个人组成,他们经常见面,分享彼此的信息。
The team consisted of seven people who met on a regular basis to share their information with each other.
1. Suppose you were offered a bribe in exchange for a promise, what would you do—receive it or stand by your principles.
2. Nowadays, people wouldn’t put up with those terrible circumstances, but in those days it was accepted as a fact of life.
3. Cheating in various forms is on the increase in colleges and universities, and I have lost count of the number of students who were caught cheating this semester.
4. Mr. Aichi had to withdraw himself from the competition for the position of state governor when it was revealed that he had been on the take.
5. While originally he had been fully in support of the reform policies, later he began to attack the reform movement.
6. The professor definitely will not agree with the point that translation amounted to little more than looking up words in dictionaries.
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