I think 2012 is the end of the world(2)
mining are being stopped, but its long-term effects have been threats to ecosystems and human survival in the world.
In the United States has more than 600 more than thermal power station, almost all power stations have a large quantity of coal ash. In December 2008, due to a dam collapse, large amounts of silt from the Tennessee Kingston coal ash petrochemical plant overflowed, causing more than 1 billion gallons of toxic sludge into a community. Although only a few families were destroyed, but slime containing toxic substances such as mercury, arsenic, permeating water and land, enough to kill all life.
In recent years, the outbreak of a large number of natural disasters, such as the Sichuan earthquake, Japan earthquakes, abnormal weather, and so on.
All these phenomena are predicting the end of the world to come.
线下考试 先秦君子风范课程期末考试试卷
考试安排 《先秦君子风范》课程的期末考试时间在2011年12月20日至2012年1月5日。课后自主,分散进行。