Cause and Effect Writing
When you explain in writing the reasons why something happens, you are having a cause and
effect writing.
To blend details smoothly in cause and effect essays, use the transitional words and phrases listed
For causes
because, due to, on cause is, another is, since, for, first, second
For Effects
consequently, as a result, thus, resulted in, one result is, another is, therefore
When writing your essay, keep the following suggestions in mind:
Remember your purpose. Decide if your are writing to inform or persuade.
Focus on immediate and direct causes (or effects.) Limit yourself to causes that are close in
time and related, as opposed to remote and indirect causes, which occur later and are related
Strengthen your essay by using supporting evidence. Define terms, offer facts and statistics,
or provide examples, anecdotes, or personal observations that support your ideas.
Qualify or limit your statements about cause and effect. Unless there is clear evidence that
one event is related to another, qualify your statements with phrases such as "It appears that
the cause was" or "It seems likely" or "The evidence may indicate" or "Available evidence
A paragraph of Cause and Effect
(结果)Do you know why winter is colder than summer? (原因1)One reason is that there are
fewer hours of sunlight in winter. (原因2)But there is another reason. Winter sunlight is cooler.
It is the same sun, and it shines just as bright as in the summertime, and yet the earth gets less heat
from it.
My friend Jack has become a workaholic. He has too strong a desire to prove himself. According
to him, good enough is never good enough. While others want only to finish a few things, he aims
to do everything by himself. Also, he is unwilling to spend time with his family, playing with the
dog, or going fishing. He would feel guilty if he did so, because he believes that all his time
should be spent working. He even wishes that he could have a day of 26 hours or even more. He
has become a workaholic whether he likes it or not.
Problems for mixed marriages
There are many problems for mixed marriages. The number one reason is the cultural differences
between the mixed couple, like those in customs and lifestyle. Many people have prejudice against
mixed marriages. They often feel shocked to see people of different races get married and have
doubts about such marriages. What's more, children from mixed marriages tend to be looked down
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