A Paragraph of Comparison
Making comparison (对比法) is a typical method of paragraph development adopted in this
passage so as to clarify the main points.
English language and Chinese language have many differences(General Statement). First, in
sound, English is different from Chinese. The Chinese language doesn’t have the sounds such as
/ð/, / /,/^/, but English has them. In grammar, English has tenses which are expressed in a
different way from Chinese. For example, the present tense is expressed by “to be doing”, while in
Chinese it is indicated by the words “right now”. In spelling, the two languages are very different
from each other. English uses 26 letters, but Chinese uses characters, which look like small
pictures.(Comparison in all aspects)
Clone(克隆) is a great achievement in science(General Statement). However, as to its
application, different people take different attitudes. Many people are very excited about this
technique. They think it offers the possibilities that human beings can breed excellent varieties of
plants and animals by make full use of high-grade gene. Hence human can benefit a lot from it.
While there are some other people who hold different opinions about the clone technique, because
they think it is easily misused, which will bring about a disaster. For example, if it is carried out on
human beings, it will lead to moral confusions(Comparison in all aspects).
My hometown and my college town have several things in common. First, my hometown is a
small town. It has a population of only about 10,000 people. Located in a rural area, it is
surrounded by many acres of farmland which are devoted mainly to growing corn and soybeans.
As for my college town, it is small too. Having a population of about 11,000 local residents, it lies
in the center of farmland which is used to raise hogs and cattle. Therefore living in my college
town makes me feel at home. I enjoy it.
On rural workers
There is an ambivalent feeling towards rural workers. No one denies the important contributions
that rural workers have made to urban development. They have done most of dirty, dangerous and
underpaid jobs in heavy industries, construction sites and other fields that city residents are
unwilling to enter. They have become an indispensable part of urban life to a point where the
machinery of a city cannot operate without these cogs even though they are small and unnoticed.
Yet an anti-migrant attitude runs consistently through the mainstream of urban consciousness. City
residents complain that migrant workers have worsened traffic and sanitation problems and have
threatened to take already scarce urban jobs. They also blame them for the sharp rise in the urban
crime rate.
Studying Abroad
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