外研版高中英语必修一no drugs---Reading and vocabulary
Warming up
Facts About Smoking
Discuss with your partner and choose the answers you think are correct. 1) During the 1990s, (21,000/21,000,000)
people died as a result of smokingcigarettes.
2) A quarter of young people who smokemore than (10/20) cigarettes a day will
die prematurely as a result ofsmoking.
3) In the United Kingdom, smoking causes (12,000/121,000)deaths a year. 4) Thirteen people die (every hour every day) from illness related to smoking tobacco, such as cancer , bronchitis and heart disease. 5) Every year, about (20/200) people are killed and (200/2000) are seriously injured in fires caused by smoking.
Pre-readingDiscuss with your partner, what's the meaning of the words in Activity 1, and then finish Activity 3. addictive blood pressure break into cannabis crack cocaine danger drug addict heart attack heart rate immediately increase inject needle powerful reduce
Choose the correct meaning of these words. 1. If a drug is addictive, does it mean that (a) you can easily stop taking it
(b) you cannot stop taking it2. Does powerful mean
(a) very strong(b) very weak
3. If something increases, does it (a) get bigger (b) get smaller 4. Is a drug dealer someone who (a) sells drugs
(b) uses drugs
Read the opening paragraphs of two different articles and decide what the topic of each article
is. Choose the topic from this list.
A Drug Addict and His Story Article 1 Dangerous Activities of Teenagers. The Dangers of Using Cocaine. Article 2
Read parts 1-6 on page 13 and decidewhich article they belong to.
1: A Drug Addict and His Story
Part: 2, 3, 5, 6 2: The Dangers of Using Cocaine Part: 1, 4
Answer the questions according to the passage.