Hypermesh 10.0 实例教程之一(9)
Hypermesh 10.0 实例教程
Step 20: Create a fillet between two lines.
1. Access the line panel in one of the following ways:
From the Menu Bar, select Geometry, then Create, then Lines. From the main menu, select the Geom page, then select lines.
2. Go to the fillets sub-panel.
You will use the create option.
3. Check trim original lines.
4. For radius=, enter 5.
5. For 1st line, pick the vertical line through which the line extended in step 19 passes. 6. For 2nd line, pick the extended line from step 19.
"Please select fillet quadrant" displays in the status bar. HyperMesh is asking you to select a reference location for the fillet.