Hypermesh 10.0 实例教程之一(4)


Hypermesh 10.0 实例教程

From the main menu, select the Tool page, then select delete

2. Change the entity type to lines.

3. Select the lower semi-circle (line IDs 5 and 10) from the graphics area.

4. Click delete entity to delete the redundant arc.

5. Click return.

Step 11: Duplicate and reflect an arc.

1. Access the reflect panel in one of the following ways:

From the Menu Bar, select Geometry, then Reflect, then Lines From the main menu, select the Tool page then select reflect

2. Change the entity type to lines.

3. Choose the arc (line ID 2) from the graphics area.

4. Click the plane and vector collector switch and select z-axis.

5. Pick node 2 as the base node.

Select lines, then duplicate, then original comp from the extended entity selection menu 6. to copy the new line into the current component (Geometry).

7. Click reflect to create the lower arc.

8. Click return.

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