



(J:Jack P:Petter S:stranger)

独白:The story happened in a sunny day.Two friends meet each other. J:Hi,nice to see you,Petter.

P:Nice to see you,Jack.It`s a good day ,isn`t it?

J:Yeah,I like sunny days.

P:Look,what`s this?

J:Oh,it`s our luck day.It`s 100 dollar.

P:Yes, it is.So what should we do to the money?Give it to uncle police? J:I don`t think so.I suggest one of us can have it.Since it is in my hand,so…

P:No ,I don`t think so.I think I find it first,I am the person that who should have the money.

J:Look at that person.Why don`t we ask him to judge it for us. P:I agree.

J:Hello,could you please do us a favour?

S:Ofcourse.What`t up?

J:Here is the thing,……

S:Isee.It`s really a hard question.Let me think.en…OK,I get an idea.Now I`ll give you one question and the one who can give the correct answer that can have the money.What do you think?


P:Why not.

J:Let do it.

S:Now you must listen to me carefully.Look at the sun,it`s beautiful isn`t it?And it`s very far from us.So my question is when is the sun farther away from us,in the morning or at noon?You first.

P:It`s easy.As we can see,in the morning the sun is very big and at noon it become smaller.So,the answer is at noon

J:That is the most stupid answer I have ever heard.As we can feel ,in the morning it`s cool and at noon it`ll be very hot.That is because the sun is farther away from us at morning.


S:OK.Stop.Stop.As a matter of fact,each of your answer is incorrect.I think the range is the same.

P:Are you crazy?Let me tell you something?(到一边,拿出50美元)If you make me win,it`s yours.

S:(think for a while).It`s a deal.(回到原地) I am sorry,I made a mistake just now.I`ll correct my answer.Petter is right.The answer is at noon.

J:What?We need to talk.(拉路人到一边)I did not catch your mean clearly.Could you say it again?

S:The sun isfarther away from usat noon.So you are wrong.

J:(打过路人)Did you change your mind?

S:No…Oh yes.You are right.Obviously,he was wrong.



P:What`s wrong with your face?


S:I just fall over by accident,nevermind.And let`s go back to the question ,I think it over and over again.Finally I believe Jack is right.You were wrong.

J:(Jack从petter手中抢过钱)Then it`s mine.(kiss it) It`s nice to meet you ,petter.Goodbye.

P:What?Don`t go.(jack下) What`s wrong with you?

S:I `m sorry,Ijust…..

J:Give me my money,now.


S:(jack走后,路人掏掏口袋发现)Where is my own 100 dollar.Give me my money.(追jack)

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