配电网 理论线损 降损措施
毕 业 论 文 ﹙设 计﹚ 报 告
题 目 配电网中理论线损计算方法及降损措施 学生姓名 吴 涛 学号 0717052010 所在院(系) 电 气 工 程 系
专业班级 电 气 专 升 本071 班 指导教师 杨 章 勇
2008 年 6月 8日
配电网 理论线损 降损措施
吴 涛
(陕西理工电气工程系电气工程及其自动化专业071班陕西 汉中 723003)
[摘要] 线损率是综合反映电力网规划设计、生产运行和经营管理水平的主要经济技术指标。降低线损率,可以减
[关键词] 配电网;理论线损计算;改进等值电阻法;电能损耗
配电网 理论线损 降损措施
Research on Calculation Methods of Theoretical Line Losses and
Reducing Energy Loss Methods in Distribution Network
Wu Tao
(Grade07,Class1,Electrical Engineering and Automation ,Department of Electrical Engineering ,ShaanXi University of Technology, Han Zhong 723003,ShaanXi)
Tutor: Yang Zhangyong
[Abstract] The distribution lines loss rate is an important norm which comprehensively reflectes the degree of programing ,designing ,producing working and managing in distribution network. Lowing the distribution lines loss rate can not only reduce the energy loss in transporting, improve the electricity supply ability, but also increase the economic performance of Power Company. It was very important in theory and actual to study on the method of theoretical energy loss calculation for distribution network. The calculation significance of distribution network and the basic concepts were introduced in this paper. In theory,through analysis and comparison of some commonly-used calculation of line losses of distribution network methods, the equivalent resistance method to improve the distribution network calculation of line losses was adopted in order to reduce energy loss and operating economicly. [Key Words] distribution network; theoretical energy loss calculation;improving of the equivalentelectric resistance method; energy loss
配电网 理论线损 降损措施
目 录
引言 ......................................................... 7 1 配电网理论线损计算简介 .................................... 8 1.1国内外研究动态和趋势 ...................................... 8 1.2传统的配电网理论线损计算方法 .............................. 8 1.3配电网理论线损计算方法新进展 ............................ 8 1.3.1潮流改进算法 .......................................... 8 1.3.2遗传算法(GA)与人工神经网络(ANN)结合算法 ................ 9 1.3.3模糊识别算法 ......................................... 10 1.4主要研究内容 ............................................. 10 2 配电网理论线损计算的研究 ................................. 11 2.1配电网理论线损计算特点 ................................... 11 2.1.1不准确性 ............................................. 11 2.1.2条件性 ............................................... 11 2.1.3多方案性 ............................................. 11 2.2配电网理论线损计算步骤 ................................... 11 2.2.1明确内容和要求 ....................................... 11 2.2.2资料的搜集和整理 ..................................... 11 2.2.3对资料进行分析 ....................................... 11 2.2.4选择计算模型 ......................................... 11 2.2.5理论线损计算 ......................................... 11 2.2.6分析计算结果 ......................................... 12 2.3配电网元件电能损耗数学模型 ............................... 12 2.3.1配电线路导线损耗等值数学模型 ......................... 12 2.3.2配电变压器绕组损耗等值数学模型 ....................... 13 2.3.3配电变压器铁芯损耗等值数学模型 ....................... 13 2.3.4并联电容器损耗等值数学模型 ........................... 13 2.3.5电缆线路损耗等值数学模型 ............................. 14 2.3.6配电网线损计算的基本假设 ............................. 14 2.4配电网理论线损计算的含义 ................................. 15 2.5配电网理论线损计算方法分析 ............................... 15 2.5.1均方根电流法 ......................................... 15 2.5.2平均电流法 ........................................... 17 2.5.3最大电流法 ........................................... 17 2.5.4最大负荷损耗小时法 ................................... 19 2.5.5等值电阻法 ........................................... 19 2.5.6 潮流法 ............................................... 20 2.5.7电压损失法 ........................................... 20 2.5.8竹节法 ............................................... 21
配电网 理论线损 降损措施
2.5.9遗传算法与人工神经网络算法 ........................... 21 2.5.10基于区间算法 ........................................ 22 2.5.11模糊识别算法 ........................................ 2 …… 此处隐藏:16729字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……