The age of Romanticism英国浪漫主义



The age of Romanticism


Historical background The political and social factors that gave rise to the romantic movement were the three revolutions. American and French revolutions — national liberation movement and democratic movements swept England,violently shook the foundation of aristocratic rule in England. Industrial Revolution —transformed Britain from agricultural to industrial country, responsible for the change in the pattern of social life and the worsening of social contradictions; Machine breaking movement—With the invention of the advanced machines,the works were brought into a disaster.Workers organized themselves and gave voice to their distress by breaking machines.


The features of the Romantic writings: 1) Dissatisfaction with the bourgeois society. 2) Their writings filled with strong-willed heroes or even titanic images, formidable events and tragic situations, powerful conflicting passions and exotic pictures. 3) Pay attention to spiritual and emotional life of man. Most works are supernatural and full of imagination.


4) Interest in the past, the unusual, the unfamiliar, the bizarre. 5) Strong desire to escape from the reality. 6) Concerned much about the influence of nature. 7) Their writings free from any rules, they fight against the tenure of new classicism: order, harmony, balance, reason. They ask for the freedom of expression. 8) A feeling of loneliness & a note of melancholy


9) The glorification of the commonplace--the aim of good poetry is “to choose incidents and situations from common life” and to use a “selection of language really spoken by men”, and to awaken in the reader “freshness of sensation” in the presentation of “familiar objects”. 10) characterized by 5 “I”s: Imagination, Intuition, Idealism, Inspiration, Individuality.


Two schools of RomanticismA. escapist romanticists, “the Lake Poets”湖畔派 WilliamWordsworth( 华兹华斯), Samuel Taylor Coleridge(柯勒律治 ) Robert Southey骚塞. B. active romanticists “the Satanic school”撒旦 派, with Byron拜伦 Shelly雪莱 Keats济慈共同反对古典主义 传统,向往唯情论,歌颂大 自然。通过缅怀中古的淳朴 来否定现实的城市文明。

他们始终坚持民主 自由理想,同情法国大革命, 反对专制暴政,支持受压迫 民族的解放斗争,他们肯定 文学的社会作用和教育意义, 写出了充满革命激情的诗篇, 丰富了诗歌形式和格律。



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