Chapter Three The Period in the War
3.1 The Plot Summary
The Civil War broke out, and also, the difficult life begins. Scarlett s husband died soon after he has to join the war for suffering of fever, at the same time the south army was continually retreating in defeat. But these had not made Sarlett feel sad, the very thing that brought her great sadness was Ahsley also decided to join the war, what s worse, at that time, both Scarlett and Melanie were pregnant. With out their husbands, the two young ladies have draped into a really difficult and dangerous situation. Scarlett is much more strong and healthy than Melanie. Scarlett gave birth to the baby smoothly, but Melanie was in a very dangerous situation, at this very moment of crisis Scarlett didn t give up to help Melanie, for she had agreed to take care of Melanie when Ashley was out to war. Luckily Melanie out of danger soon, and also the two girls were became good friends. They decided facing with the difficulties together. They came back to Scarlett s home, the big Tara. Rhett helped them all the way, but he decided to join the war as soon as they will arrive at Tara. Scarlett can not accept this,
Scarlett: Oh, yes, yes! I know we can get through, Rhett. I m sure we can.
Rhett: Not we, my dear, you, I m leaving you here.
Scarlett: You are what? Rhett, where are you going?
Rhett: I m very serious, Scarlett. I m going to join up with our brave lads in grey. Scarlett: But they are running away?
Rhett: Oh, no. They'll turn and make a last stand if know anything about them. And
when they do, I'll be with them. I'm a little late but "better late than...
Scarlett: Rhett, you must be joking!
Rhett: Selfish to the end, aren't you? Thinking only of your own precious hide with never
a thought for the noble cause.
Scarlett: Rhett! How could you do this to me? And why should you go now that, after it's
all over, and I need you! Why? Why?
Rhett: Why? Maybe it's because I've always had a weakness for lost causes... Once
they're really lost... Or, maybe, maybe I'm ashamed of myself. Who knows?
Scarlett: You should die of shame to leave me here alone and helpless!
Rhett: You, helpless? Heaven help the Yankees if they capture you... Now climb down
here, I want to say goodbye.
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