


The innocent poor girl was really hurt. She slapped Ashley in his face. Moreover the unexpected man Rhett Butler, hidden behind a couch during the emotional scene, sees Scarlett throw a vase across the room in anger after Ashley leaves, and is impressed by her fire. But Scarlett still holds the idea that she herself is the true love of Ashley. To revenge Ashley, she decided to marry Charles Hamilton who she didn t love at all, but Charles sister Melanie really appreciated that. So both couples married within two weeks, just at the beginning of her marriage, Scarlett regretted her decision and also the war broke out…

Before the war, Scarlett lived an elegant and leisure life. It s just such kind of life made her selfish and vanity. For love she is stubborn and wayward. She had romantic emotion to love. But, at that time, ladies and gentlemen s demeanor formed the atmosphere of the traditional society. She was born in a sumptuous manor Tara in Georgia South America. Her parents want to make her a lady, and gave her very traditional education. Scarlett didn t like doing that, she pretend to be a lady in front of her parents, but she went her own way at other times. In her inner world, she wanted an unrestricted and free life. So, a very proud own, extremely conceited but very beautiful charming Scarlett jumped out in front of us. Scarlett was very proud that so many handsome young men surrounded her, and she was always the very center of them. But Ashley was the only young man that she admired, indulged and deeply loved. She was a proud girl, so proud that she believed deeply Ashley loved her even she got the news he will marry Melanie.

2.3 Scarlett in the Period before War

2.3.1 Education of the Women in the South before War

Scarlett O Hara, a Southern girl before the Civil War, is no exception. As an ordinary girl growing up in Southern culture, Scarlett is undoubtedly deeply influenced by the prevailing ideas of what a Southern woman should do in a male-dominated world. Gradually she becomes a woman, a representative of Southern women. To the Southern woman, marriage is the destiny traditionally offered to her and she is constantly taught the art of catching a decent and wealthy husband as soon as possible. The unmarried woman suffers from the poor situation and tries every means to catch a husband. Simone Beauvoir say in The Second Sex, “ In France, as in America, mothers, older friends, and women s magazines cynically teach young women the art of catching husbands, as a

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