SW PCB设计规范V1.0
SW PCB Design Specification
王 勇 V1.0.0
1.1.1 1.1.1 PCB 外形尺寸PCB 外形尺寸及拼板设计外形尺寸及拼板设计 及拼板设计
PCB Dimension and jointed board design
当PCB 的尺寸小于160mm×120mm 时,必须进行拼板设计,拼板后的尺寸要小于240×200mm,最小拼板尺寸不能小于50mmX50mm,拼板设计时,原则上只加过板方向的工艺边。 When the PCB is smaller than the size of 160mm × 120mm, the need for jointed board design, jointed board size is less than the 240 × 200mm, the smallest size jointed board can not be less than 50mmX50mm, jointed board design, in principle, only increased its board direction Process Side
拼板的尺寸应以制造、装配、和测试过程中以便加工,不因拼板产生较大变形为宜。 jointed board size should be based on the manufacture, assembly, and testing process so that processing is not suitable for large deformation generated jointed board.
拼板中各块PCB 之间的互连采用邮票孔设计或者V-CUT设计,拼板邮票孔0.5mm范围以内不要布线,以防止应力作用拉断走线。
Jointed board pieces each interconnection between PCB designs using stamps or a V-CUT design, jointed board within the scope of stamps will not bore 0.5mm wiring, in order to prevent stress break in the alignment.
拼板的基准MARK 加在每块小板的对角上,一般为二个。
Benchmark of jointed board MARK added each small plate right corner, usually two.
PCB thickness is set to ≥ 0.7mm.
PCB did not produce an irregular jigsaw edge technology should be added to, Irregular post-processing of PCB is made difficult jointed board should be added on both sides edge technology.
1.1.2 1.1.2 PCB 工艺边要求PCB 工艺边要求 工艺边要求
PCB edge technology demands
Within 5mm from the PCB edge there should be no pad, through-hole, MARK and less
than 3mm wide alignment.
Have make-up of the PCB-to-end margin requirements: Usually the terminal has
a make-up so when the patch is not designed for the positioning of PCB on the edge, while in the make-up edge, so as long as the distance from the plate edge to meet the processing error and the error can be sub-panels, The general alignment of more than 1mm away from the PCB board edge can take the line density can also be acceptable when the 0.5mm; terminal alignment is generally 0.1mm, so as long as the plate edges to meet a safe distance (1mm more) that is not required on the line widths.
If the edge of 5mm from the PCB within the scope parts, you need to increase
technology side, in order to ensure adequate availability of PCB clamping edges. PCB edge clamping process can be used with stamp holes, or V-CUT connection. 工艺边内不能排布机装元器件,机装元器件的实体不能进入上下工艺边及其上空,如需
Process Side could not exclusive cloth machine mounted components, machine
components of the entity can not be loaded into the craft up and down over the edge and will need access to or above the left edge technology required to be handled through consultations with the craft.
Hands component entities can not fall on the upper and lower side edge of
technology within the space of 3mm high, and if falls on or above the left edge technology required to deal with in consultation with the craft.
The PCB does not do irregular jointed board design process must be added edge. 工艺边的宽度一般设置为5mm。
The width of the edge process in general is set to 5mm.
1.1.3 1.1.3 PCB 基准PCB 基准Mark点要求 点要求
PCB Benchmark Mark-point demand
拼板设置三个Mark点,呈L 形分布,且对角Mark 点关于中心不对称(以免SMT设备
Jointed board set 3 Mark points, was L-shaped distribution, and the right corner
point on the Center's Mark asymmetric (SMT equipment so as to avoid mistakenly
A side part attached to the B side), according to the actual situation in SW, it is recommended that all make-up process in the 5mm 3 MARK-point increase in
the edge of a unified, specific reference to the following icon:
位置必须一样;如果有特殊要求需要定位单个元件的基准点标记,以提高贴装精度(比如在QFP、 …… 此处隐藏:13292字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……