张璐 李小鹰(解放军总医院南楼心血管一科, 北京市100853)
[摘 要]目的:探讨动静脉足泵对于老年健康人及老年周围动脉硬化闭塞症(PAOD)病人腘动脉血流动力学参数的影响。同时评价动静脉足泵在老年周围动脉硬化闭塞症(PAOD)疾病中的作用。
方法:选自2008年10月~2009年1月在我院经过临床及下肢血管超声确诊的周围动脉硬化闭塞症(PAOD)(为减少个体间差异,将PAOD患者的入选标准统一为:股浅动脉闭塞或者股浅动脉存在两处以上狭窄(面积狭窄率>75%)或者成串珠样狭窄(面积狭窄率>75%),髂动脉段、腘动脉段以下无明显影响血流动力学的狭窄(面积狭窄率<50%))的60岁以上老年患者共62例(共40条下肢符合上述入选条件),年龄62~80(69.8±5.7)岁,其中男性40例,女性20例。同时选取身体健康(1995年符合中华医学会老年医学分会制定的健康老年人的标准)且血管超声提示双下肢血管基本正常的60岁以上老年健康人共20例(共40条下肢符合上述入选条件),年龄60~76(68.6±4.1)岁,其中男性14例,女性6例。 分别给两组实验对象使用动静脉足泵治疗(充气频率:3次/分钟;充气持续时间:3秒;放气时间:17秒;充气压力:120mmHg),并在治疗前、治疗30分钟时及停用的即刻(60秒内)通过彩色多普勒超声测量下肢腘动脉血流动力学参数,包括:腘动脉平均容积流量[vFl]、腘动脉平均血流速度[mV]、腘动脉直径[D]、腘动脉收缩期峰速度[PSV]、腘舒张末期速度[EDV]及搏动指数[PI]。利用CHISS统计软件,采用区组设计的方差分析分别比较PAOD组和健康组在治疗前、治疗30分钟时及治疗停止即刻的腘动脉血流动力学参数的变化。利用CHISS统计软件,采用成组t检验,对比PAOD组和健康组在应用动静脉足泵治疗后各个血流动力学参数的变化情况。
[关键词] 周围动脉硬化闭塞症;动静脉足泵;腘动脉;老年人。
[ABSTRACT]Objective :To investigate the effect of Arterial-Venous foot pump (A-V foot pump) on popliteal artery haemodynamic parameters in old healthy individuals and in old patients with
peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD).
Methods :40 limbs from 62 PAOD patients with superficial femoral artery occlusion or multiple or tandem stenoses (more than 75% in areal stenosis) and 40 limbs from 20 healthy individuals, both of which are over 60 years, were screened from out-patients and in-hospital patients between October 2008 and January 2009. Popliteal artery volume flow [vFl], mean velocity [mV], diameter[D] ,peak systolic velocity [PSV] ,end diastolic velocity [EDV] and pulsatility index [PI] were measured in both groups, at pre-treatment, 30 minutes after treatment and the moment of stopping treatment (less than 60 seconds) using colour-flow duplex imaging (CFDI).The setted parameters of A-V foot pump includes: applied pressure:120 mmHg; inflation time: 3 seconds; deflation time: 17 seconds.
Results :On application of A-V foot pump, popliteal artery vFl increased by 94% in the healthy group (p<0.01) and by 67% in the PAOD group (p<0.01). Within 60 seconds of the cessation of pump action ,blood flow decreased significantly in both groups (p<0.01), but maintained a significantly higher level than that of baseline (p<0.01, in both groups). The mV, PSV and EDV showed a similar pattern of significant changes. Both in healthy group and in the PAOD group, the PI decreased with A-V foot pump (p<0.01) and increased post-compression; however, it was significantly lower than that of baseline (p<0.01) within 60 seconds of impulse delivery.
Conclusions: A-V foot pump can significantly augment popliteal arterial inflow on short term both in old healthy individuals and in old PAOD patients. The increase of EDV and decrease of PI indicate that the attenuation of peripheral resistance is one of the main mechanisms in the elderly.
Key words: peripheral arterial occlusive disease;Arterial-Venous Foot Pump; Popliteal Artery;the elderly.
周围动脉硬化闭塞症是中老年人常见的临床综合征,它的患病率和严重程度与年龄、吸烟、糖尿病病程、血糖稳定程度、高收缩压、 …… 此处隐藏:7685字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……