初中英语阅读--科普知识 发明 现代技术(2)
Many people like to watch TV. Watching TV is one of the most important activities (活动) of the day. TV brings the outside world to the people. Some people say
the world is smaller than
before, because of TV.
What’s going on in the
other countries? How do
people live in the other places
far away? Is there a sport
game? If you want to answer
these and the other kind of
questions, just turn on the TV
and watch it. You can see a
lot and learn a lot. People can
also learn on the radio. But with TV you can learn better and more easily. Because you can hear and watch, TV helps us to open our eyes. TV also gives us some new ideas.
Choose the best answer according to the passage.
( ) 1. Some people say the world is smaller than before because of ________.
A. TV B. radio C. newspaper
( ) 2. With TV we can learn better and more easily than radio because _______.
A. we can hear B. we can watch C. we can hear and watch
( ) 3. ______ the TV and you can learn a lot.
A. Turn on B. Turn off C. Turn over
( ) 4. Many people like to _______.
A. watch TV B. see TV C. look at TV
( ) 5. ______ brings outside world to the people. A. TV B. Radio C. Newspaper
Make true (T) or false (F).
( ) 1. Watching TV is the only important thing of a day.
) 2. Because of TV, some people say the world is bigger than before.