新编大学英语1 课件精华Unit5 Book2


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1. Dreaming of walking on hot coals, for example, may well be caused by sleeping with your feet too close to a heater. (Line 25)

may well + 动词… 很可能……be very likely to

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His appearance has changed so much that you may well not recognize him.他的外貌变化很大,你也许认不出他来了。

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区别: may well 作“有可能”或“也许这样”讲, may/might(just)as well 则是“倒不如”、“大可” 或 “不妨”的意思,含“以……为妙”的意境色彩。

There’s nothing to do,so I may as well go to bed.无事可做,倒不如去睡觉。

We might as well stay where we were.我们既来之则安之。

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1. Dreaming of walking on hot coals, for example, may well be caused by sleeping with your feet too close to a heater. (Line 25)

梦中在火烫的煤块上行走 很可能是由于睡眠时脚太 靠近取暖器引起的。

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2. Some people believe that dreams are total nonsense, merely the result of the misfiring of electrical impulses in the brain, while on the other hand, some read great importance into even the simplest of dreams. (Line 32)

这是一个并列句。连词 while 在句中表示对比关系。 前一分句讲一些人认为梦什么都不是,只是脑电波 的释放。其中merely the result of the misfiring of electrical impulses in the brain 与nonsense 并列 作 believe后面宾语从句的表语。后一分句讲另一部 分人则相反,能从梦中推断出很重要的寓意。

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read …into… “从……推断出……”

He seemed to read a deep insult into the statement and became very angry.他似乎从声明中读到了一种奇耻大辱, 一下子大发雷霆。

My partner is problematic. He always reads nonexistent meaning into other’s words.我的搭档是个爱惹麻烦的人。他总是对别人的话无中 生有。

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2. Some people believe that dreams are total nonsense, merely the result of the misfiring of electrical impulses in the brain, while on the other hand, some read great importance into even the simplest of dreams. (Line 32)

有些人认为梦纯粹是无稽之谈,仅仅 是人脑中电脉冲无的放矢的结果。而 另一方面,有些人甚至能从最简单的 梦中推断出极为重要的寓意。

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3. According to these dictionaries, a dream about drinking wine meant a short life, whereas a dream about drinking water predicted a long life. (Line 41)

此句中whereas 表示转折和对比。与其意 和用法相近的词还有:while; however, but,

although, yet, still, in fact, on the other hand, on the contrary。另外,法律文件常有whereas开头的段落,意为“鉴于”。

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Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。

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完成下面的句子。 The system provides a way for companies to remain globally competitive _______ avoiding market B cycles and the growing burdens such as healthcare costs and pension plans.

A) but B) while C) whereas B D) and

He thought I was lying,

I was telling the truth.

A) while B) whereas

C) therefore

D) however

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3. According to these dictionaries, a dream about drinking wine meant a short life, whereas a dream about drinking water predicted a long life. (Line 41)

根据这些词典,梦到喝酒意 味着短命,梦到喝水则预示 着长寿。

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4. Psychoanalyst and author Kenneth Saunders explains, “Dreams are closely tied up with an individual’s mind and analysis is so open to mistakes or errors. (Line 50)

be open to : 容易受到(诱惑、批评、错误等)

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What you said is open to misunderstanding.你说的话容易让人产生误解。

As a student, making noises in the process of lecture is definitely open to criticism.作为学生,上课时不安静肯定 会受到批评。

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A greedy man ____________________. is open to being cheated


Hasty decision _________________. is open to mistakes

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