4.3. S + Y = SH
Yes, you are. [yeshu are]
Insurance [inshurance]
Bless you! [blesshue]
Press your hands together. [pressure hanz d'gethr]
Can you dress yourself? [c 'new dreshier self]
You can pass your exams this year. [yuk'n pæsher egzæmz thisheer]
I ll try to guess your age. [æl tryd geshierage]
Let him gas your car for you. [leddim gæshier cär fr you]
4.4. Z + Y = ZH
How s your family? [hæozhier fæmlee]
How was your trip? [hæo·w zhier trip]
Who s your friend? [hoozhier frend]
Where s your mom? [wεrzh'r mäm]
When s your birthday? [wεnzh'r brthday]
She says you re OK. [she sεzhierou kay]
Who does your hair? [hoo d zhier hεr]
casual [kæ·zhy (w) l]
visual [vi·zhy (w) l]
usual [yu zhy (w) l]
version [vrzh'n]
vision [vizh'n]
附录: 音节省略和连读放在一起
I have got to go. I ve gotta go.
I have got a book. I ve gotta book.
Do you want to dance? Wanna dance?
Do you want a banana? Wanna banana?
Let me in. Lemme in. Let me go. Lemme go.
I ll let you know. I ll letcha know.
Did you do it? Dija do it?
Not yet. Nä chet.
I ll meet you later. I ll meechu layder.
What do you think? Whaddyu think?
What did you do with it? Whajoo do with it?
How did you like it? Howja like it?
When did you get it? When ju geddit?
Why did you take it? Whyju tay kit?
Why don t you try it? Why don chu try it?
What are you waiting for? Whaddya waitin for?
What are you doing? Whatcha doin ?
How is it going? Howzit going?