

Where s the what-you-may-call-it? Where s the whatchamacallit? Where s what-is-his-name? Where s whatsizname?

How about it? How bout it?

He has got to hurry because he is late. He s gotta hurry cuz he s late. I could ve been a contender. I coulda bina contender. Could you speed it up, please? Couldjoo spee di dup, pleez? Would you mind if I tried it? Would joo mindifai try dit? Aren t you Bob Barker? Arnchoo Bab Barker?

Can t you see it my way for a change? Kænchoo see it my way for achange? Don t you get it? Doancha geddit?

I should have told you. I shoulda toljoo.

Tell her (that) I miss her. Teller I misser.

Tell him (that) I miss him. Tellim I missim.

Did you eat? Jeet?

No, did you? No, joo?

Why don t you get a job? Whyncha getta job?

I don t know, it s too hard. I dunno, stoo härd.

Could we go? Kwee gou?

Let s go! Sko!

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