题 目: 单级减速箱体机械加工工艺规程制定 所属系部: 机 械 装 备 系 专业班级: 机 械 一 班 学生姓名: 王 泽 龙 指导教师: 张元军
2011年 9月 1日
摘 要
第二部分分为机床夹具的设计,讲解机床夹具的慨述,机床夹具的组成分类。工件定位的原理,定位方法和定位元件对定位误差的计算,对夹紧装置的组成和夹紧力的三要素作了分析。在这次工艺中表面在铣床上加工;直径为40mm以上的在镗床上加工;其余的孔因分部面多我专门设计了一款夹具便于在钻床上加工(有图)。 第三部分主要介绍对零件加工的全过程,我这次设计主要选的是铸件对毛坯的确定;加工中的时效性处理;工艺路线的编制和工序卡片的编写(有卡片工艺、工序全过程)在加工完后的检验。在加工中夹具的设计和计算,对机械简明手册的翻阅对国标对准。在加工完后绘制出了完美的零件图(A0号)。在经济时效下保证了加工满足的要求。
关键词: 箱体、工艺、工序、夹具、绘制零件图图
The Part of the process, in machining plays a very important part of the process, prepare to reasonable or unreasonable, it directly relates to the quality requirements could eventually parts, The design of fixture is big, it is the indispensable part in relation to improve the efficiency of the machining. So both in mechanical processing industry is crucial link. The graduation design, the topic is I design process and fixture enclosure reducer design. This case is complex, volume parts structure. In order to improve production efficiency and reduce labor intensity, I design a drill fixture. The design manual is divided into three parts:
The first part is divided into the machining process of the specified procedures, including process, contents and procedure, mechanical manufacturing process planning of the type and the procedure formats, introduced the principle and procedure. The choice of the locating datum, the process route in the selection of surface machining method, the method of processing, sequence arrangement has been introduced in detail. The second part of the machine tool's fixture design, the interpretation of the machine tool's fixture of the machine tool's fixture soup, composition and classification. The principle, workpiece position and orientation of the positioning error calculation of components for clamping device, the composition and clamping force of three factors are analyzed. In the process of surface in milling machining, Diameter 40mm in for more boring, The rest of the hole for division I face a fixture designed to facilitate the processing (in press).
The third part mainly introduces the process of parts processing, I choose the design is mainly for determination of casting billet, The timeliness, The preparation process route and the process of writing (card), whole process card technology in processing after inspection. In the process of calculation, and fixture design of mechanical concise manual of gb through alignment. In processing after mapped the perfect parts graph (A0). Under the limitation in the economic guarantee processing request.
Key words: process, process, and drawing parts fixture, toto
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