浙江杭州市省山五萧校 212-20013学年高 上一学期期中考 英语试联 高题英一语 试题说卷明:.1考 试时间 9为0分钟 ,面卷满分 为10 0。分 2 .将答案写请在卷上答,写试在卷上效无。
第 I卷共 (7 5)分 、听力部一(本题有两节 2分0题 每小,题1 分共 20, 分第一)(本节节 5有 题小每,小题 1,共分5 分) 听面 下5段对 ,话段每话后对有个一题,从小中所题给的 A、、CB 个选三中选项最 出佳项选并,在标试的卷相位置应听。每完对段后话,你有 都0 1钟秒时的来间答回关小题 有阅和读下小题,一每段话仅读对一。遍 例如,你听到将以内容: 下M :Excuesm e C.a ynoute llme ohw mcu hte shhritis ?W: Ys,e its n’ni eiftfene. 请选看项 :How mcuh s ihteshirt ? . A$19. 5 1.B$ .951C $. 1.851 衬衫的价格为 磅 159 便士所,你选以择 B ,项并 在卷试将其上标。出1. Wh atis te womha nrpoablybgo ng iotd o?A .o aTs thk eawy ..2H woi Susasnf eeilng?A. Firhgteen.d . BExcited ..CU happy. B. nTo ake t aawlk C..T oloo kup awo d.r3 W.hta ra teeh wo stpakeesrt aklinga botu? .AA ho uesto b u. B. yAh oliday panl .C. A wllep-aid jb.
4o. Howdid thewo mn aprobbalya rirveh oem?A. B cyr.a5 .Wathis te wohanms pr’olbem?A. Sheh a slso hert srteetma .pB . he hSsa truobl fendinig he rayw. C.Sh eah difsifclty uerdangi am p. a第二(本节节有1 5小题 每小, 1题分,共 1 分)5 听下 5面段 话对或独白,段每话对独白或后有几个小题,题中所从的给 、A、C B个三选 中选项最出选项,佳并标试在卷相的应置位。听段每话对或独白,前你将有 5 秒钟的间时 阅读个各题,听完后,小各题小给将 出 秒5的钟作答间时,段对话每或独白两读遍。B .yBb s. Cu .y sBbuwy.a-1-
听下一面材料,回答段第 6第和7 题。 .6At w hat ite mf tohe ear dyoseth s icnovrsetiao ntkaep lae? Ac S.prin. Bg S.mmeur ..CA utmu.n7.Wha tiwll hte omwan ub yi nht seho? Ap .A yllew oskir.t B. . bAacklskir t .C .A whiet boule.s听下一段面料,回材答 第8 第至 0 1。题8. Wh ee are rht teowspea ekr?sA . n a clasIrsoom B.. nIa ofnifce .. ACt ome.h9. Wha dots theew moante l lte mhn aabou? A. tiH scosrse inre cetnt etss .. BheT idficuflits eh eas whtihh sis udties C. H.si poro erpfromnaec in ihsst dy.u10. Whta iwl hlpaep to tnhema in hf doeesnot i mropv? e. AHe an onlcy ekp ea Bf r oih sgrdae B..He wil getl aporeorg rdea hanta B. C H. eiwl fall ihte oucrs eocplmteel. y下面听段材料,一答回第 11 第 1至3 。题1 1 Wha. tkndi of prsen ooedsthe woma nexp cteh reson otbe? A A g.rat ehre.oB . kiAnd-harete pedsor.n .CA s uccessufl persno.
21.W ah tws theawoma ns’f aimyl ike lwhn seh wea s ahilc? dA.T ehy idn’d thae vumc mhone. y.BThey d idnt’h ae vneugoh o eatt C..Th y died’tn ahveman yf reidns 1.3 W.hih ofc ht foellwiogn ebs tdescibersthe woman ’ smother? .AC aeruf witl mhoeyn.B. Wililgn othe p othlers C. .Oepnmi-ned tod idfeferntval es 听下面u段一材料,回第 答41至 第 16题 。41 W.hta id thedma ngo ot uofr A? . APay. B. Al ilfm C. . Adanc.e51. Wy dohes htem an avehlitt le cahnect og o uto A. ?e Hives lawy aorm fhte owt. nB H.ei susy wbith hs iorw.kC. He ahs ilttl ceilhrednt o atke acre o.f来[源:Zxx.kCom]-2-
16 .hW oi sMar?yA .The m ans’wi fe.B. he Tma’n ssstir. Ce.A fa mou actrssse.
听下一面段材料回,答第 71 第 至2 0题。17. W at hi shte purops efothe wman’s oatlk? A.En ocraugng ipe plo et oaks qeutiossn B. G.viing n intradoctuio tnoh ers peehc C.. iDcussisn gprblomes i nelaring. n81 .Hw longo wil thl wemon goa n talkoing? A. mi5untes. .B 02m nuteis .C .03 mnuits.e1. Wha9 tcan aistlner eepxcet t olarn erofmthe ta k? l. AHwot o egt lang boeter witt pheple oy impbovirn ligsetinngsk lli.sB .Hwo to ebmor eac itvei natklni gith wtohe repople .C .Hwot ound rsetnada ofriengl angague. 20.Who are porably theblis etnre? sA S.hcoo clhidlre.n B. Forign set udnts.eC .Bsiunesspeop l.e
二、项选择单(题有本10 小题 每小题, 1分 ,共 10分 从 )、A、BCD 四个选、中,项出可以填入下列各选题小白空的最处佳案,答将答并 填涂在案题答卡上 21 ―.We d ’ettber mkea seu f these ood lneswaperp. s― ____________. .A Yse ,I do.B .Ex ctlay.C. T hna kou.yD. Taths ’allr gith.22.He oltd m e____________________._ .A hat wdidth teeple maphpn e. wChatt hetem le pha daphenedp B.wh tah da aphpend eotth eteplm e.Dthe te pme lhappnede what23. r.M angY ,whoha sb en terid eof ___________ a_ tesa p,efrrs e____________ _dwo now. n.A makni gvyogaes t;o settl C. eebni gmae dvoyaesg;s ettlingB .t moak voyagee; settsilgn . Dbine gmdea voyags;et os ettel24 Bel.ievei t ron to,thi ngs aer ____________ idffreentf rm whota youe xeripneed c2 yea0s rago .A. grdaually B.fina ly Cl .offciiall D.yen irtle
25.yAs p bluci tarsnport otenffai s lto ebon itmein Aemica,rthe atinve tlo dme ______________.A yo.’dube tter not ateka bu s. Cnott oake t buasB .dno’t ake a but s. to Dotn tkaea b u
s6.2She ooks oldel tran hehr ae. I gac’tni mgani ehaw sht eas ___h___________ A..set dwnoB. aded dpu3--
C. caedrab ut
Do .ongethr ugho
27.Lu kclyi, evre isce ne h________ h_mselif dow,nh e __________isomnian失眠(). . calAm ;ash nveer sufefer fdor m. Cha dclmade;ne evrsu ferfed romf . Balmec;d ashn vee sufrefed fromrD. calme ; dad nhvee srffured ferm
28. o― wouIld b eratgefuli yfo cuuol dsne md a eerairmapnr iht gonwt ochek cmywate ripe.p― ’Im evy sroryr. Ther paeimra __n______________ soo_n .A .ha soce mu C. pi scomngi p Bu .owud locm eu Dp .acm eu
29p.M poyo mor ims foent ______________t hngsith t weadon t ’endea tll.a A .ersupaedd byuC pe.rsudade byingu . pBerusaedd otb u yD .presudade o tbuiyn
30.gS e hiss ost uborbnt at hsh ean carhdly __________ _o otthres a’dicv even …… 此处隐藏:15733字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……