

土地增值税 Increment tax on land value

5405 其他业务支出 Other business expense 销售其他材料成本 Other cost of material sale 其他劳务成本 Other cost of service 其他业务税金及附加费 Other tax and associate charge 费用 Expenses

营业费用 Operating expenses

代销手续费 Consignment commission charge

运杂费 Transpotation

保险费 Insurance premium

展览费 Exhibition fees

广告费 Advertising fees

管理费用 Adminisstrative expenses

职工工资 Staff Salaries

修理费 Repair charge

低值易耗摊销 Article of consumption

办公费 Office allowance

差旅费 Travelling expense

工会经费 Labour union expenditure

研究与开发费 Research and development expense

福利费 Employee benefits/welfare

职工教育经费 Personnel education 待业保险费 Unemployment insurance 劳动保险费 Labour insurance 医疗保险费 Medical insurance

会议费 Coferemce

聘请中介机构费 Intermediary organs

咨询费 Consult fees

诉讼费 Legal cost

业务招待费 Business entertainment

技术转让费 Technology transfer fees

矿产资源补偿费 Mineral resources compensation fees 排污费 Pollution discharge fees

房产税 Housing property tax

车船使用税 Vehicle and vessel usage license plate tax(VVULPT) 土地使用税 Tenure tax

印花税 Stamp tax

财务费用 Finance charge

利息支出 Interest exchange

汇兑损失 Foreign exchange loss

各项手续费 Charge for trouble

各项专门借款费用 Special-borrowing cost

营业外支出 Nonbusiness expenditure

捐赠支出 Donation outlay

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