The man who could work miracles
2). Use the useful expression.
1. 在闭幕词中,主席说了几句话,意思是要提高人民的社会意识。
-In his closing speech, the chairman said something to the effect that efforts should be made to raise people’s social awareness.
2. 她突然明白了并不是毫无希望的,她应该再试一次。 -It suddenly dawned on her that she was not helpless, and that she ought to try again.
3. 和他的许多朋友预料的相反,吉姆选择了教学工作。 -Contrary to what a lot of friends had expected, Jim decided on the teaching job.
4. 在最近的一次记者招待会上,那位外交部发言人特别谈到中加关系。
-At a recent press conference, the foreign ministry
spokesman talked, among other things, about Sino-Canadian relations.
5. 全天上班的父母为了弥补没有和孩子们呆在一起的时间,就给他们买过多的玩具。
-Parents working full time give their children too many toys to make up for the time they spend away from them.
6. 失业加上他的小女儿的死亡几乎把他逼进绝境。
-Unemployment and the death of his little daughter almost drove him to desperation.
7. 克里夫艾文思的档案能说明他是怎样变得一事无成。
-Cliff Evans’ file threw some light on how he had been reduced to nothing.
8. 最后那个继母怎么样了?她收到任何惩罚了吗? -What became of the stepmother in the end? Was she published in any way?
9. 展览会开幕的前夜,亨利溜进了大厅,把所有的画都倒过来了。
-The night before the exhibition opened, Henry slipped into the hall and turned all the pictures upside down.
10. 据我看,他是个可信赖的人,一个在困难时期可以求助的人。
-As far as I can see, he is a reliable person, a person you can turn to in hard times.
3. Use happen, raise and stretch.
1. 这片沙漠绵延百里。
-The desert stretches for hundreds of miles.
2. 小林愁容满面,出了什么事?
-Xiao Lin looks worried what has happened?
3. 那项报告说相当一些中等学校的水准需要提高。
-The report says that standards of quite a number of secondary schools need to be raised.
4. 我最喜欢那双鞋因为穿得太久都撑得变形了。
-My favorite pair of shoes has stretched out of shape after so much wear.
5. 他们去南极探险的计划取消了,因为他们还没有抽到足够的资金。
-Their planned expedition to the south pole has been
cancelled because they haven’t been able to raise enough money.
6. 他的生意经营范围包括从软饮料到建材的各种商品。 -His business operation stretch from soft drinks to building materials.
7. 在事故发生时,碰巧有位摄影师在场,把那辆卡车拍了下来。
-When the accident occurred, a cameraman happened to be on the spot and took a picture of the truck.
8. 太嘈杂了,演说者只好提高嗓门以使人们听得见他的声音。
-It was so noisy that the speaker had to raise his voice to make himself heard.
9. 通常参考书是不能拿出阅览室的,不过我们对你可以放宽规定,仅此一次。
-Reference books are normally not to be taken out of the reading room, but we could stretch the rules for you just this once.
10. 幸运的是在发生爆炸时,碰巧房子里没有人。
-Fortunately it happened that there was no once in the house at the time of the explosion.
3.Translate the following sentences into English.
1. 在病休了半年后,他发现他很难赶上他的同学。
-Having been on sick leave for half a year, he found it difficult to catch up with his classmates.
2. 我理所当然认为你应该留下。
-I take it for granted that you should stay.
3. 他不想让大家知道他要走了。
-He doesn’t want it to be known that he is leaving.
4. 她愿意怎样生活不关我的事。
-It is not my business how she chooses to live.
5. 这一切是怎么发生的至今还是个谜。
-It is still a mystery how all this happen.
6. 他们是否同意你的观点是很重要的。
-It is very important whether or not they agree to your opinion.
7. 我什么时候打电话你最方便?
-When is it most convenient for me to phone you.
8. 光说不干是没有用的。
-It is no use just talking without actually doing anything.
9. 放弃这次机会似乎很可惜。
-It seems a pity to give up this opportunity.
10. 在异国他乡独自一人是很难的。
-It is very difficult for a person to be on his/her own in a foreign country.
4. Translate the following sentences into English, using the infinitives ( revision; infinitives ).
1. 那伙强盗强迫银行出纳打开保险柜。
-The robbers made the band cashier open the safe.
2. 如果孩子们想要什么就让他们做什么,你会惯坏了他们。
-If you let children do whatever they want, they will become spoilt.
3. 据说他是我们国家的英美文学方面的一个权威。
-He is said to be an authority in our country on British and American Literature.
4. 现在人人都应该会用电脑,否则他就要落伍了。
-Everyone should know how to operate/use a computer, otherwise he/she will be left behind.
5. 墙上的告示警告人们不要去碰栅栏,因为上面有电。 -The notice on the wall warns/tells people not touch the fence for it is electrified/charged with electricity.
6. 我看见那架飞机坠毁在田野上,火光冲天。
-I saw the plane crash into the field and burst into flames.
7. 对于那些中等收入,无奈住在城市附近的人来说,郊区提供着最文明的生活方式。
-To people of moderate means/income who are
compelled/forced to live close to cities, the suburb offers the most civilization way of live.
8. 我现在还无法决定是否参加比赛,但一旦我决定参赛,我就一定要尽力。
-I can’t decide whether or not to enter/take part in the competition. But if I decide to do it, I will try my best.
Unit 3 The man who could work miracles
2. Use the “useful expression”.
1. 在父母的鼓励之下,那个年轻的长跑运动员决定参加明年北京国际马拉松赛。
Urged on by his parents, the young long distance runner has decided to participate in next year’s Beijing international Marathon.
2. 有人提起那叛徒的名字时,强烈的厌恶心情在他心中油然升起。
A strong feeling of disgust came over him when the traitor’s name was mentioned.
3. 布雷克先生机关算尽也没能从对手秘书那里套出有关他们的销售计划的有用情况。
Mr. Blake tried in vain to obtain from his rival’s secretary any useful information about their sales plans.
4. 据说四肢爬行的对人的健康有利。
It is said that crawling on all fours is good for/to a person’s health.
5. 我们暂时不要谈细节问题,而是集中精力讨论原则问题。 Let’s leave the details for a while and concentrate first on the principles.
6. 我们无论何时发现有任何不对时,都会精力纠正。
Whenever we find anything wrong, we do our best to put it right.
7. 会上系主任对高教授的建议不予考虑,他说有更重要的问题要解决。
At the meeting, the department chairman waved professor Gao’s suggestion away and said that they had to deal with more important problems.
8. 王教授常说,30年前他对微机的了解,不必今天一个5岁的孩子了解的多。
Professor Wang says that 30 years ago he knew no more about personal computers than a 5-years-old child does today.
3. Use change, order and think.
1. 世界飞速变化,我们不得不时刻适应它。
The world is changing rapidly, so we have got to keep adjust to it.
2. 战士们接到命令,要在天亮之前赶到遭受暴风雨袭击的地区。
The soldiers were ordered to reach the
storm-struck/storm-stricken by daybreak.
3. 沉船事故发生后,地方官员一直在考虑应该采取什么措施来防止这种事故。
After the shipwreck, the local officials though about what they should do to prevent such accidents.
4. 救火队对长命令每个队员工作带防毒面具。
The head of the fire brigade ordered that every member wear was makes while at work.
5. 10月底当树叶变色时,远处那些山看上去宛如仙境。 In late October when the trees change colour, the hills in the distance look like a wonderland.
6. 每年要从国外订购上千册图书来增加图书馆的藏书。 Each year, about 1000 books are ordered from abroad to add to the library’s collection.
7. 教书改变了他,他现在是个和蔼,有耐心,有爱心的人。
Teaching has changed him, he is now a kind, patient and loving person.
8. 有一些法律教授认为应该修改当前的婚姻法,使离婚更加困难。
A number of law professor think that the existing marriage law should be changed to make divorce more difficult.
9. 他们打算在这条街上再开一家乐凯快印店。
They are thinking of opening another lucky Express shop in this street.
10. 我认为在新的千年向中国的信息产业投资是绝对值得的。 I think it (absolutely) worthwhile to invest in China’s information/IT industry in the new millennium.