一、 前面句子为肯定时,后面反意问句用否定。反,前面句子为否定时,后面句子用肯定。
Eg: He can’t swim, can he?
注:当前面句子中有no/never/seldom/hardly/few/little nowhere/nothing等否定意义的副词出现时,反意问句应用肯定。但如果前面句子中有加前缀或后缀后,而表示否定意义的词时(如: careless, impossible等时),反意问句应用否定。 Eg: 1) He seldom goes to see a film, ____?
2) He is always careless, ______?
二、当前面句子中有have(has/had) to 时,反意问句应用do 的相应的形式。
Eg : They had to leave early, ______?
三、 当前面句子中有used to 时,后面应用 usedn’t 或 didn’t
eg: He used to live in the countryside,_____?
四、 当前面句子中有 ought to 时, 应用 oughtn’t
五、 当前面句子中,有must 时,
1. 在must表示推测时,不用mustn’t,而根据句子所表示的时态来确定。
Eg: 1) You must be tired, _______?
2) He must have done it last night, _______?
3) Tom must have been to Shanghai before,_______?
4) .They must be writing now,____?
5) She must have a car/live there, _____?
6) Mother must have been shopping then, _____?
2. 在must表示禁止,“一定不能”时,附加部分用may.
eg: You mustn’t walk on grass, _____?
eg: You must go home right now, ____?
六、 当前面句子的主语是everyone/everybody/nobody/one/none 等不定代词时,反意问句的主语应用they; 当前面句子的主语是something/everything/nothing等不定代词时,反意问句的主语应用it.
七、 当主句为祁使句时,
一般情况:1)肯定的祁使句:will you/won’t you?
a)表示要求某人做某事时:will you?
b)表示征求某人意见时:won’t you?
2) 否定的祁使句:will you?
1) Let us go out for a walk, ______?
2) Let’s go out for a walk, _______?
八、 当主句存在否前移时,反意问句应根据从句的时态、人称,主句的肯否定。
Eg: I don’t think he can finish his homework in time, _______?
情 态 动 词
Need I/he/ ?
Yes,you/he/ must.(不用need)
2. Must I/ he/ ?
No,you/ he/ needn’t/don’t(doesn’t,won’t)have to.(不用mustn’t)
3. May I/ he/ ?
No,you/ he/ mustn’t.(少用may not)
4. Could(Can)you ?
Yes,I can (不用could)
Shall I/she/ he ?
2)否定陈述句中:can’t/couldn’t表“不可能”意,may not/might not表“也许不、可能不”意。
例如:She must be a teacher.她肯定是老师。She can’t/couldn’t be a doctor.她肯定不是医生。 He may not/might not be a doctor.他可能不是医生。
2)must/may/might/can/could+一些不能用于进行时的静态动词(如:have,exist,live,like,hate,own,belong to等) 例如:She must have her own car, for she has a lot of money.
That kind of bird may live in the valleys.
句式:must/may/might/can/could+be doing
例如:They must be waiting for us.他们肯定正在等我们。
She may/might be doing her homework.她可能正在做作业。
Can/Could he be playing football?他会正在踢足球吗?
句式:must/may/might/can/could+have done
例如:There’s no light in the room. They must have gone to bed./She knows nothing about the film. She can’t/couldn’t have seen it./Can/Could he have been a doctor?/He may/might(not)have been a teacher./They must have been watching TV at nine last night./Can/Could she have stayed in Beijing last year?
注意:will have done句式也可表“肯定/可能已经 ”推测意。
例如:He will have learned advanced mathematics, for he knows a lot about it. 他肯定/可能学过高等数学,因为他对此懂得很多。
三、“情态动词+have done”用法
1.should/ought to +have done,意“本应该 ”,含有责备或后悔意。
例如:You should have come here a little earlier./I ought to have sent him to school./
2.shouldn’t/oughtn’t to+have done,意“本不应该”,含有责备或后悔意。
例如:You shouldn’t have watered the flower./I oughtn’t to have scolded her for such a small thing.
3.might have done,意“过去可能做”;could have done意“本能够做”,两者都含有委婉批评或遗憾之意,也可表对过去情况的推测。
例如:He might have gone to Nanjing with Professor Wang. last week, but he was ill.上星期他本可以和王教授一起去南京的,可他病了。We could have finished the work ahead of time.我们本来是能够提前完成工作的。
1.must与have to: must强调说话者的主观看法,have to强调客观需要,表示“不必”意要用needn’t或don’t/didn’t/won’t have to,不能用mustn’t。
2.can/could与be able to: can多用于现在时,也可用于将 …… 此处隐藏:6976字,全部文档内容请下载后查看。喜欢就下载吧 ……