新版PEP六年级下册英语Unit3 Read and write


Unit3 Where did you go?B Read and write

Liulin primary school Miss Yang

Let’s play a game : Catch the helicopter

Where did you go?

went campingwent swimming

went fishing

hurt my foot rode a bike

took pictures

bought gifts

ate fresh food

rode a horse

forest park

Discuss with your partner. How did Wu Yifan meet Max? What will happen next?Hello,Max!

Max helped Wu Yifan find his cap. Max and Wu Yifan will What’s your be good friends. name? Howabout “Max”?

自读短文,找出下列单词或词组: basket 篮子 took pictures of 给……照相 countryside 乡村 dressed up 打扮 made a funny play 编排一个有趣的戏剧 played the part of …… 扮演……角色 Lick 舔 Laugh 笑

自读短文,给图片排序: 1

自读短文,给图片排序: 2 1

自读短文,给图片排序: 2 3 1

What happened to Wu Yifan’s family?Bad: ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ Good: ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

翻译:四月23日,星期五 今天是晴朗的一天。在早上, 我们骑了三人自行车。马克斯坐在 自行车前面的车筐里。那很有趣! 我们拍了美丽乡村的照片。我们买 了礼物,并且吃了一些美味的食物。

在下午,妈妈吃了一些坏水果, 感觉不舒服。因此我们呆在旅馆里。 爸爸和我想要使她开心。我们打扮 了一下,编排了一个有趣的戏剧。 罗宾扮演狗的角色。它是如此可爱。 马克斯非常喜欢他。他跳到他的身 上舔他。当然,罗宾不喜欢这样。 我们开怀大笑。 今天是很糟糕的一天,但也是 美好的一天。

Now write about your bad but good day.Today was a bad but good day for me. First, it was a bad day._________________. I feel off my bike. But what did I do then?_________________ My friends visited me and we watched TV. ___________________________________ We had a good time. ___________________________________. So it was also a good day. As the saying goes,”Bad luck often brings good luck.” 塞翁失马焉知非福.


