

3. 先生/女士,我们飞机马上就要起飞了,为了您的安全,请您马上回到座位上坐好并系好安全。

The plane is taking off. For your safety, please return to your seat and fasten seat belt.

4. 飞机马上要起飞了,这时候使用卫生间是非常危险的!请在飞机平飞之后再使用,好吗?

The plane is taking off. It s dangerous to leave your seat. Could you please remain in your seat until we get to cruising level?

5. 您好!根据中国民航的规定飞机上不能使用带有飞行模式的手机。也请您要全程关闭手机,谢谢!

Excuse me, I know your mobile phone has flight mode, but it is also prohibited by CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China). May I ask you to switch it off now. Thank you for your cooperation.

6. 先生,我知道这个电话对您非常重要。但是,为了保证飞行安全,我必须请您关闭手机电源。

Sir, I appreciate this phone call is very important for you. However, to ensure the safety of this flight I must ask you to switch your mobile off.

7. 请您把脚踏板收起;调直座椅靠背;收起小桌板,我们的飞机马上就要起飞了。

We are taking off soon, please return your seat back to the upright position, and secure your table and footrest.

8. 飞机马上要起飞了,为了您的安全(我们随时可以看到外面发生的6

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