I apologize sir that there is no space in the overhead locker above your seat. I understand you would like to keep your bag close to you. May I suggest you stow it under the seat in front of you?
5. 您好,请问这是您的行李吗?这是应急出口,为了安全,请将您的包放在行李架上。
Sir/ Madam, is this your baggage? It s emergency exit. For your safety, would you mind putting it into the overhead compartment?
6. __先生/女士,我帮您把衣服挂在衣帽间,好吗?
Mr. / Ms. ___, May I help you to hang up your coat in the closet?
7. 请您把贵重物品和重要证件从口袋里取出好吗?先生,请给我您的登机牌,这样落地前我们就可以找到您还衣服了。谢谢。
Please could you remove all valuable items and important documents from your pockets? May I also have your boarding pass, sir, so that we can identify and return your jacket to you just before we land? Thank you.
2. 起飞前 Before Take Off
2.1安全检查Safety Check
1. 请系好安全带,将座椅靠背调整到正常位置。
Please fasten your seatbelt and adjust your seatback to the upright position.
2. 您好,我们的飞机已经开始滑行,请关闭您的手机电源。
Sir/ Madam, our plane is taxiing. Please switch off your mobile phone.