What advice is given in the last paragraph? (within 10 words)
[解题思路] 阅读全段内容,不难看出“a reply e-mail does not have to be the same length as the original.”为主题句,“The charm of e-mail can consist in the simple, incomplete sentence…”是它的支持句。综合两句的意思可知答案应当昌:You may reply to a long e-mail briefly./ You don t have to write a long reply e-mail. 实际上本段末句中的with a brief reply也是答题的关键词。
There are many different types of beer available in pubs. Traditional British beer is called bitter, or ale, and is usually served at room temperature. As a result, the British are famous for their warm beer ! If you prefer a cold beer, ask for lager. All beers are served as pints (500ml) or halves (250ml). Wine, red or white, is normally available in all pubs, as are spirits such as whisky, gin or vodka. It is not, however, necessary to drink alcohol. Non-alcoholic drinks are called soft drinks. You can have juice, lemonade or cola, among others.
If you are in a pub, what would you like to drink? Why? (Within 30 words)
[解题思路]很明显,文中提及的饮料有多少种类,答案就有多少。通常说出饮料名称得1分,答出原因得2分。同样地,即使考生选择了同一种饮料,其喜爱的理由也可能千差万别。因此,解答这类题目可以围绕问题自由发挥。参考答案:I d like soft drink because they won t do harm to my health./I prefer cola because it s very popular with teenagers./ I d like juice because it s much cheaper.
考试说明中还有这么一句话:必要时根据文章的不同题材和体裁给出的其它类型的题目。目前尚没有考查过这种题目(如统计分析,列表格等)。为了方便考生备考,现举例说明: 示例一A survey shows that among adults asked what inventions they hate most, but can t live without, 34% said the cell phones. Alarm clocks were a close second, with 23% hating them, followed by the television with 21% and razors with 9%. The survey has been conducted to determine public inventions, inventors and technology.
Design a diagram to show the result of the survey. (Please answer within 20 words)
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