浙江大学 2007年 攻读博士研究生入学考试题(9)


In spite of this, many scholars believe that the political bosses performed an important function in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. They helped to assimilate large numbers of disadvantaged white immigrant into the large American culture. The fact that the United States had a rapidly expanding economy at the beginning of the century made it possible for these new immigrants, often with the help of the bosses, to better their standard of living in the United States. As a result of these new opportunities and new rewards, immigrants came to accepted most of the values of the large American culture and were accepted by the great majority of Americans. For white ethnic groups, therefore, it is generally true that their feeling of being a part of the large culture. That is, ―American‖ is much stronger than their feeling of belonging to a separate ethnic group – Irish, Italian, Polish, etc.

61. A minority group’s acceptance to the country was determined by _______.

A. the difference they showed from the majority.

B. the time when they arrive at the new land.

C. the background conditions they came from.

D. the religions group to which they belonged.

62. The immigrants’ flushing in was considered a threat to American value mainly because ______ .

A. the immigrants came from poverty-stricken nations of southern and eastern Europe.

B. the immigrants had been accustomed to poverty and dependence.

C. the immigrants had different homeland traditions and other particular characteristics.

D. the immigrants did not speak English.

63.‖ Citizenship classes‖ (Para.4) were offered because Americans _________.

A. wanted to help the immigrants to solve their practical needs.

B. would not accept any group with different traditions.

C. wanted the immigrants to deal with the threat to American values.

D. wanted the immigrants to learn about and to keep the American values.

64. The political bosses helped the new immigrants for the main purpose of _____.

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