浙江大学 2007年 攻读博士研究生入学考试题(10)
A. showing off their political power and advantages.
B. getting support in elections.
C. assimilating the minority into the majority.
D. showing their generosity.
65. The living standards of the new immigrants were improved in the late nineteenth and early twentieth mainly because______ .
A. they kept the political bosses in power.
B. the political bosses gave them a lot of practical help.
C. they had a much stronger feeling of being a part of the larger culture.
D. there was a rapid growth in American economy at that time.
Passage 3
This speculation (a course taught with technology helps students learn more than the one taught in live classroom) course offerings are beginning to appear with regularity, and technology is looking better all the time. Universities that specialize in distance education are learning how to use multimedia courseware and the Internet effectively and the quality of them offering is gaining increasing recognition. When students in the near future have a choice between (a) attending passive lectures at fixed locations and times in a campus-based curriculum and (b) completing interactive multimedia tutorials at any convenient place and time in a distance-based curriculum, guess which alternative more of them will begin to choose.
This is not to say that technology is a panacea. Passive instructional technology –e.g., simply pointing a video camera at a conventional lecture or using the Web only to display text and pictures—does not promote much learning, no matter how dynamic the lecturer or how colorful the graphic images. Moreover, even at its best technology will never be able to do some things that first-rate teachers do routinely, such as advising, encouraging, motivating, and serving as role models for students, helping them develop the communication and interpersonal skills they will need to succeed in their careers, and getting them to teach and learn from one another. Most