

b. better at listening than conversation

58. Do you prize in yourself

a. that you see true reality b. that you have a vivid imagination

59. Are you pulled more toward

a. fundamentals (basics, essentials)

b. b. overtones (hints of additional things)

60. Which seems worse

a. to be too compassionate (too kind)

b. to be too dispassionate (too uncaring)

61. Are you persuaded more by

a. believable evidence b. an inspiring appeal (moving words)

62. Do you feel better about

a. coming to the end (conclusion) b. keeping your options open

63. Is it preferable mostly to

a. make sure things are arranged b. just let things happen naturally

64. Are you likely to be

a. easy for others to approach and talk to

b. somewhat reserved (shy or cool)

65. In stories do you prefer

a. action and adventure b. imagination (creativity)and heroism

66. Is it easier for you to

a. give others some tasks to do b. identify (relate)with others

67. Which do you wish more for yourself

a. strength of mind (determination) b. strength of emotion (passion, feelings)

68. Do you see yourself as more

a. emotionally tough, less sensitive b. expressive, easy to excite or upset

69. Do you tend to notice

a. disorder (messiness, chaos) b. opportunities for change

70. Are you more

a. predictable (conventional, usual) b. random (changeable, unusual)

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