

a. details (particular facts) b. generalities (big pictures, overview)

39. Which is more of a compliment

a. “ there s a logical person” b. “there s a sentimental person”

40. Which rules you more

a. your thoughts b. your feelings

41. When finishing a project, do you like to

a. complete all the final small details b. move on to something else

42.Do you prefer to work

a. following a time schedule with goals b. just whenever you feel like it

43. Are you the type of person who

a. is rather talkative b. likes to observe situations and/or people

44. Are you likely to take what is said

a. more literally (factually) b. more figuratively (metaphorically)

45. Do you more often see

a. what s right in front of you b. what can only be imagined

46. Is it worse to be

a. a softy (overly flexible with opinion)

b. hard-nosed (overly firm with opinion)

47. In frustrating situations are you sometimes

a. too unsympathetic (too cool or uncaring)

b. too sympathetic (too sensitive or kind)

48. Do you tend to choose

a. rather carefully b. somewhat impulsively (spontaneously)

49. Are you likely to be more

a. hurried (quick, time-conscious) b. leisurely (slow, relaxed)

50. At school do you tend to

a. be sociable with you fellow students

b. keep more to yourself (be more private)

51. Are you more likely to trust

a. your experience b. your perception (theories, ideas)

52. Are you more likely to feel

a. down to earth (practical, realistic)

b. b. somewhat removed (distant, less involved)

53. Do you think yourself as

a. tough-minded (uncomprominsing)

b. tender-hearted (sensitive, gentle)

54. Do you value in yourself more that you are

a. reasonable (logical, rational) b. devoted (loyal, committed)

55. Do you usually want things

a. established and decided b. tentative (open to change)

56. Would you say you are more

a. serious and determined (firm) b. easy going (calm, relaxed)

57. Do you consider yourself

a. better at conversation than listening

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