

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter

Circle one answer for each of the following 70 questions, either a or b, that fits you more than the other answer. When you read a question where both answers equally suitable for you, it s usually better to choose the one that initially seemed more specially accurate to you. There are no right or wrong answers since about half the population agrees with whatever answer choosen.

1. When the phone rings do you

a. hurry to answer it first b. hope someone else will answer it

2. Are you more

a. observant (alert, watchful) b. introspective (deep in thought)

3. It is worse to

a. have your head in the clouds (dreaming)

b. be in a situation that s hard to change

4. With people are you usually more

a. firm than gentle b. gentle than firm

5. Are you more comfortable in making

a. analytical judgments b. value judgments

6. Is clutter in your dormitory or classroom something you

a. take time to straighten up (organize) b. tolerate pretty well

7. Is it your tendency to

a. decide quickly b. taker longer to decide

8. waiting in line, do you often

a. chat with others b. focus on your purpose for being there

9. Are you more

a. sensible (rational, practical) b. imaginative (creative, artistic)

10. Are you more interested in

a. what is actual (real, current) b. what is possible (potential, future)

11. In making decision are you more likely to go by

a. data (facts) b. desires (wishes)

12. In analyzing others do you tend to be

a. objective (neutral)and cool b. friendly and personal

13. Do you prefer contracts to be

a. signed and official b. agreed upon only by a handshake

14. Are you more satisfied having

a. a finished product b. work in process

15. At a party, do you

a. intact with many, even strangers b. interact only with a few friend

16. Do you tend to be more

a. factual than speculative (take chances)

b. speculative (take chances)than factual

17. Do you like writers who

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