

3. b. He plane needed repairs.

4. a. His luggage was lost.


Angela: I‘m thinking about going to Costa Rica…

Trevor: Great. I went to Costa Rica once… but I had a terrible time getting there…

Angela: Oh, yeah? What happened?

Trevor: Well, when I got to the airport, I realized I didn‘t have my passport…

Angela: Oh no.

Trevor: So I called a friend… and he broke into my house…got my passport and brought it to me. But I missed that flight so I had to stay overnight in San Francisco.

Angela: Oh, that‘s too bad.

Trevor: Yeah. So I got the flight the next day… and of course on the way we had engine trouble… so we had to stop in Mexico City… I was stuck there for another, like, 22 hours while they got the part.

Angela: Oh, my gosh!

Trevor: And I mean stuck. They wouldn‘t even let us out of the airport…

Angela: You‘re kidding!

Trevor: I‘m telling you. So finally, we, like, after all this time, I get to Costa Rica two days late and –

Angela: And don‘t tell me, your luggage isn‘t there.

Trevor: You guessed it. I go into the airline office to complain and there was this really wonderful woman working at the counter.

Angela: Oh, yeah?

Trevor: And she was really nice and helped me out…

Angela: Mm-hmm…

Trevor: …and we sort of hit it off…

Angela: Yeah? And then what?

Trevor: About two months later we got married!

Unit 12 Check this out!

Vocabulary Task


1. c 2. b 3.a 4.e 5.f 6.d 7.h 8.i 9.g


1. A: Is this your new modem?

B: Yes. It lets me hook up to the Internet at 138 kilobytes per second.

2. A: How Much did that laser printer cost?

B: It wasn‘t too expensive, and it prints out high-quality copies.

3. A: So this is a zip drive, huh?

B: Yeah. I can store up to 100 megabytes of data with it.

4. A: Wow! Is that your new scanner?

B: Uh-huh. Check out these pictures I scanned for my website.

5. A: What does the mouse do?

B: It lets you move the pointer around the screen and click on things.

6. A: What kind of software do you have?

B: I have a graphics program, a word processing program, and an e-mail program.

7. A: Why do they call it a notebook?

B: Because it‘s so small it can fit in your bag.

8. A: What kind of disks can this computer read?

B: It‘ll read DVDs and CD-ROMs.

9. A: What size Monitor should I buy?

B: The bigger it is, the more you can see on the screen.

Listening Task

1 First Listening

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