


在过去 in the past 16)一点也不 not at all 17)不再 not any more 18)制作模型飞机 make modle planes

5.作文:现在与过去对比能做 不能做 (can/could do very well/a little, can/could not do at all)

G7Unit 7 Topic 3复习要点

1. 行为动词作谓语一般过去时态

肯定句:主语+V过去式+其它 否定句:主语+didn’t+V原形+其它。

一般疑问句: Did+主语+ V原形+其它? Yes,+主语+did. No, +主语+didn’t.

谓语提问特殊疑问句:What did +主语+do+其它?

2. 动词过去式:(P117)


3.一般过去时时间状语: last+名词( last year, last summer, last month ), 一段时间+ago ( a month ago, a moment ago );in + 过去具体时间 (in 2000);when+过去时; one day (在句首);上下文提示( 并列谓语为过去,提问、回答为过去 ) .


1) 起立 stand up 2)立刻,马上 at once = right away 3)回来come back 4)吹灭 blow out

(动副) 4)电子游戏 video games 5)朗诵中文诗歌 recite a Chinese poem 6)对某人撒谎 tell a lie to sb = lie to sb 7)摔倒 fall(fell) down 8)表演魔术 perform magic tricks

9)伤到自己 hurt oneself 10)洗手 wash hands 11)在那时候 at that time 12)许愿 make a wish 13)用手工做 make bu hand 14)一口气 in one breath

5.作文: had a wonderful birtyday party

G7 Unit8Topic1 复习要点

1.season: Which season do you like best?=What's your favorite season?

In spring: warm fly a kite in summer: hot go swimming

In fall: cool climb hills in winter: cold make snowmen

2.weather: What's the weather like?=How is the weather?

名词+y=形容词:sun—sunny cloud—cloudy snow—snowy

wind—windy rain—rainy fog—foggy

形容词+ly=副词:bright—brightly heavy—heavily strong—strongly

3. 同义句:

1) The sun is shining/shines brightly.= It’s sunny.=There is a lot of shunshine.

2) It’s cloudy.= There is/are a lot of cloud/clouds.

3) It is snowing/snows strongly/hesvily.= It’s snowy.= There is a lot of snow.

4) It is blowing/blew hard/heavily.=It’s windy.=There is a lot of wind.

5) It is raining/rains heavily.=It’s rainy.= There is a lot of rain.

4.temperature: What's the temperature? It's between...and...

The low temperature is..., the high temperature is...


